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  • SpatialAnalyzer 2024.1

    SpatialAnalyzer develops and implements changes fast. New features, bug fixes, and changes are implemented quickly so you can use them right away. Here’s a summary of what’s new in 2024.1.

    • Graphical performance enhancements
    • Feature inspection
    • Cloud based inspection
    • Reporting
    • And many others

    Graphical performance enhancements

    SA can handle a lot of data being captured quickly. Multiple instruments can be measuring at the same time at very high rates, but SA’s graphics were struggling to present all this data effectively to the operator. In 2024.1 efforts were made to improve visualization both during scanning point clouds while capturing both 3D and 6D measurements.


    Feature Inspection

    SA 2024.1 introduces the ability to fully template a feature inspection process through incorporating advanced measurement methods. This significantly expands SA’s features measurement automation capabilities in any SA license package.

    automated measure dialog boc


    Cloud based Inspection


    SA’s meshing tools are expanded in 2024.1 – the prior “extended parameter” option is replaced with a new meshing service. This new extended capability is included as an extension of the General Mesh dialog and offers the ability to use saved JSON configurate files for customized presets.

    general mesh dialog box

















    Trifoil Vectors

    Added a “trifoil” vector group display mode for vectors. Much like a small frame, this deviation display shows the direction of the deviation components in the working frame and is ideally suited for large construction jobs where relative scaling of vectors is difficult.

    Trifoil values vector group properties


    Metrology Reporting Connection

    SA now shares data with Metrology Reporting. The connection control is on the Reporting tab, making it easy to upload your job for shared visualization and analysis.

    Nexus metrology reporting

  • SpatialAnalyzer 2023.2

    Cloud Based Feature Extraction

    GR-Slots now offer a full range of extraction methods, much like those added for circles in the prior release. These include both 2D and 3D extractions, angled, plunged and surface hole cloud extraction options.

    Cloud Based Feature Extraction

    The data association process is also simpler in this version, as the separate Proximity Cloud selection has been eliminated. A cloud can now be directly associated with a GR-Feature and used as needed. A radio button provides optional direct fitting or enables a cloud to be used as the input for a dynamic filter process. This dialog has also been clarified for easier operations.

    Geometry Relationship Filter

    An option to "Use Filter Settings" has been added to the Filter Data to Nominal 3D Geometry utility. This option allows you to use the individual settings saved within existing GR-Features for the filter. Once complete, GR-Features now keep track of the input cloud for further processing as needed.

    Use Filter Settings

    Cloud extraction in this version also offer significant improvements in filtering speeds as a result of improved data segmentation and threading.

    Relationship Fitting

    A major challenge in any optimization process is balancing speed and ensuring the optimum solution is found. SA’s current relationship fit process is the perfect balance in most situations. However, it can stop prematurely in complicated fits. We added a Direct Search method as a fall back several years ago that ensures the best solution is found, but it can be slow.

    To add greater flexibility, this version adds two intermediate options; to split the difference between speed and performance.

    A version of the Levenberg-Marquardt solver has been implemented to support optimizations via relationship minimization. This solver casts a somewhat wider net when solving for solution parameters. More information can be found here:

    In addition, an option is added to follow the Gauss-Newton solver (our standard approach) with a subsequent gradient search backup.

    The Move Object by Minimization Relationship and Move Collections by Minimization Relationships functions now offer these additional options.

    Relationship Fitting

    Additionally, when using points-to-objects, projected points will be compared component-wise rather than as a simple signed magnitude to increase reliability in complicated fits.

    Callout Selection

    A new “Select All Callouts” option has been added to the Callout right-click menu. This option enables a user to quickly select all callouts in view for editing purposes.

    Callout Selection

    Additionally, a new menu option “Select Same Type Callouts” is added to the right-click menu of callouts in the graphical view. This option enables selection of callouts of the same type, such as vector callouts, for common formatting.

    Select Same Type Callouts

    2023.2 Instrument Updates

    Added support for the new Hexagon Absolute Scanner AS1-XL. This scanner is supported with both Hexagon’s Absolute arms and AT960 trackers.

    Hexagon Absolute Scanner AS1-XL

    AT960 Laser Tracker support has been expanded to include LMF version 1.10. This includes support for precise Timestamps (PTP) in SA. The high precision timestamp can easily be recorded within SA through the use of Point Sets in a scan operation.

    Hexagon Absolute Arms also support connections to RDS v.6.4. This includes full support for connecting to multiple arms within a single session through RDS. RDS still allows only one arm at a time to be run, but switching between them can be faster through the use of a logon dialog: Configure Instrument.

    Hexagon Absolute Arms

    API Laser Trackers have been improved to include support for the V-probe “Smart Probe Button.” Button events are now provided from the vProbe2 and iScan3D and SA responds accordingly. These events include: 1) Single button press, 2) Double click, and 3) Button hold and each of these events can be customized as needed.

    API Laser Trackers

    Leica Total Stations and Multi-Stations (MS60) has been expanded to include:

    • A Query option is added to the Instrument Toolbar. This provides a means to record a full discrete measurement when a position update is desired.
    • The level compensator button now displays an out of range icon. It also has been converted to a status display only to avoid accidental use. Compensator control is accessed through the settings.
      Instrument Toolbar
    • Several changes improve synchronization when changes were made onboard the instrument including level status, weather settings, and target definitions. This includes the ability to define targets onboard the instrument for use in SA. The Leica Captivate target icons are added to help clarify which definition was used to define a particular target.
      Leica Captivate target

    AICON DPA has been updated to use Aicon SDK 20.00.09

    Leica Pxx Scan Stations are updated to streamline operations. Additional, target scan options are now available. See readme for details. The MP command “Scan within perimeter” has been updated.

    SpatialAnalyzer 2023.2 Videos Links

    The following SpatialAnalyzer Video links are now available on YouTube:

  • SpatialAnalyzer 2023.1

    The latest version of SpatialAnalyzer is now available. It brings new and improved features for sheet metal scanning applications, introduces improved live mesh display and circle extraction methods. It also offers improved display controls and many instrument updates. These are some of the highlights:

    • New and improved circle feature extraction tools from point clouds, including an integrated projection plane and extraction method control
    • Several improvements were added for sheet metal, including improved CAD extraction tools, object display controls and improved reporting
    • Added the ability to capture multiple framesets for full speed tracking of multiple 6D devices at one time
    • Improved Laser Tracker Measurement Profile control and display tools
    • And many others

    Cloud Based Inspection

    Cloud Based Inspection

    Proximity filtering for circles has been expanded to offer advanced circle extraction methods. Extraction of both a local projection plane and feature data is now performed within a single circle feature. Dynamically adjustable extraction modes available within a circle include:

    • 3D Hole. Incorporates a local plane fit for projection as well as extracting data within the hole to refi ne circle diameter
    • 2D Hole. Extracts a local projection plane and identifies the hole boundary points to define a circle. This setting can be used for sheet metal extractions
    • 3D/2D Hole in a Cylinder. Provides a means to extract a hole drilled into a cylinder where a projection plane is not appropriate

    Feature Inspection

    Sheet metal extractions

    2D features such as circles can now be extracted by clicking the top planar face of a CAD model. This greatly improves the ease of feature extraction when working with sheet metal parts.

    Sheet metal extractions

    Object Display Improvements

    The line width used to draw objects can now be modified to highlight a single object (or set of objects) more clearly in the graphics. These changes include both a global setting and the ability to use Shift+ mouse wheel over the object of interest, in either the tree or the graphics, to adjust the size of an object’s display. The size of the display of individual cloud points can now be modified for each point cloud independently. This makes it much easier to inspect a single cloud’s point distribution while other clouds remain visible.

    Object Display Improvements

    Multiple Frame Sets

    Capture simultaneous 6D tracks

    The 6D motion of a target can be recorded as an object moves through space by capturing a frame with each position update. This can now be accomplished with multiple moving objects at once, an ideal solution for photogrammetry systems. The image below shows the 6D motion of two objects recorded at the same time with different sample rates.

    Capture simultaneous 6D tracks

    Instrument Updates

    Build your own Instrument

    Added new SA Instrument SDK. This capability offers pathways to building your own interface to your own instrument within SA. It can be used by both 3rd party hardware developers and SA users to build a custom instrument interface. Contact Support@kinematics.com for more information.

    New Instruments Added

    API Dynamic 9D Ladar is now supported for use within SA.

    API Dynamic 9D Ladar is now supported for use within SpatialAnalyzer

    Updated Instrument Support

    • All Laser Trackers and Total Stations
    • Hexagon Absolute Arm
    • Nikon Laser Radar
    • Surphaser Room Scanners
    • V-Stars Photogrammetry
    • Aligned Vision and LAP Laser Projectors

Auto Detect Features

Provides an introduction to the improved measurement profile controls added in the 2023.1 version of SA.

Circle Extraction Demonstration

Review of updated circle extraction methods.

Multiple Instruments Trans-track

Aligning the wing of a model A380 using Trans-Track in SA.

Measurement Profile Management

Provides an introduction to the improved measurement profile controls added in the 2023.1 version of SA.


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