Smart Digital Reality

Smart Digital Reality™

Analysing, contextualising and visualising data into a unified, real-time view of physical and digital realities, delivering actionable insights across your industrial projects and assets.

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What is Smart Digital Reality?

Converting data to actionable insights

Digital transformation unlocks exponential increases in organizational value by challenging the status quo and revealing fundamentally new operational paradigms. Hexagon guides customers on their journey to transform raw data into actionable insights through analysis, contextualization, visualization and integration. This vision unveils a unified, role-based and real-time perspective of the physical and digital realities within industrial projects and assets—a concept we’ve termed Smart Digital Reality.

Through a single pane of glass (i.e., a unified interface), Hexagon delivers real-time insights, ensuring accuracy and context for users across roles. This approach offers a comprehensive view of the industrial asset lifecycle, seamlessly connecting diverse datasets from different work processes. With robust data governance, all engineering and operational information is contextualized and compliant with relevant procedures and regulations. Hexagon further enhances Smart Digital Reality with intelligence, automating processes and analytics to reduce human intervention, errors and risks, thereby expediting your evolution to a fully autonomous future.

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This transformative approach provides insights into project and asset status and performance, identifying challenges and areas of opportunity to enhance efficiency, profitability, safety, and sustainability. By contextualizing and visualizing data, Smart Digital Reality drives process improvements across the lifecycle, facilitating better management of industrial portfolios as digital projects and digital assets.

Smart Digital Reality Infographic

Industrial Data Challenge

Continuous advancements in sensors, microprocessors and related technologies have accelerated the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), resulting in a significant uptick in data generation within industrial environments. However, enhancing industrial facility design, execution and operation requires substantial improvements in data management across the project and asset lifecycle.

Many industrial facilities generate extensive data tailored for specific purposes within distinct lifecycle stages. Unfortunately, this data often lacks cohesion and context, hindering its utility in decision-making processes. Fragmented across software systems, organisational silos and physical documents, data compartmentalisation presents additional challenges for engineers and industrial workers, undermining productivity and innovation.

Hexagon recognises the urgency of treating data as invaluable real-time information that drives tangible benefits throughout the industrial asset lifecycle. By addressing data fragmentation and enhancing accessibility, organisations can foster improved collaboration and make smarter decisions, thereby bolstering productivity, operational reliability and sustainability.

Characteristics of your Smart Digital Reality

Real-time Autonomous Digital Twins

Transcending static representations, Smart Digital Reality enables real-time data capture and analysis while enabling independence. By leveraging autonomous technologies like machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (ML/AI), this functionality empowers customers with unprecedented capabilities.


Hexagon's core technology drives the creation of intelligent systems that integrate the right data into workflows with speed, certainty and agility. When workflows maximise their potential, productivity, quality, safety and profitability are enhanced.

Sustainable Industrial Development

Whether breaking ground for new facility construction or managing existing operations, Hexagon's proprietary Digital Backbone captures and processes data, enhancing work processes within an intuitive environment. This contextual integration facilitates economic and environmental sustainability by increasing safety, quality, efficiency and productivity.

Research-backed Benefits:

All this delivers substantial benefits for industrial facilities, including:

20% reduction

in cost overruns

70% reduction

in efforts spent on inventory
and documentation

10-30% increase

in maintenance and operational

Digital Backbone

Powering Smart Digital Reality with High-quality Data:
HxGN SDx2's cloud-native infrastructure serves as the digital backbone, optimizing data consolidation and interoperability across digital projects and assets workflows. Here, data transforms into a digital thread, flowing through systems, remaining continuously relevant and connecting users.

Centralizing the entire data inventory enables users to make more informed decisions swiftly, drawing insights from Hexagon solutions, your legacy systems and third-party software/digital twins. The backbone effortlessly connects every phase of the industrial asset lifecycle, offering innovative capabilities in autonomy, analytics, visualization and AI.

Connecting Digital Projects and Digital Assets:
The digital backbone streamlines the creation and upkeep of Smart Digital Reality by automating asset handover, tagging and back modeling processes. It converts data into actionable insights and seamlessly integrates digital projects and digital assets, significantly reducing time, costs and complexities.

Furthermore, the backbone establishes feedback loops between digital projects and assets, ensuring continuous updates to your Smart Digital Reality (like smartphone updates). This captures all changes within the facility, maintaining information relevance and insightfulness. Accessible on-demand from any device, organizations can fully leverage their digital transformation efforts.


Realizing your Smart Digital Reality brings unparalleled benefits to your organization throughout its digital transformation journey.

Hexagon Smart Digital Reality Chart detailing benefits of products

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