SMIRT DieBuild

A unique solution for manufacturing planning and follow-up

SMIRT DieBuild provides the shop floor with a graphical outline of the complete die build process

Smart manufacturing process

SMIRT DieBuild provides the shop floor with a graphical outline of the complete manufacturing process with a detailed sequence of all technical steps. The level of detail included in process plans is completely controlled by the company and its process planners.

Product capabilities

Features at a glance:

  • Detailed planning information created in the 3D graphic environment
  • Standardization for consistent methodology
  • Automatic computation of hours
  • Planning included in the SMIRT file used by other SMIRT modules

  • Easy access to and clear visualization of planning information for all SMIRT users
  • No additional documentation required
  • Planning ready for scheduling
  • Real time progress update from the floor.

All operations in a SMIRT DieBuild process plan are completely integrated within the SMIRT environment and provide the shop floor with a graphical outline of the complete manufacturing process. SMIRT DieBuild turns the die assembly into a productionized process. This allows all personnel to build the die following a tested and proven road map the customer has developed. Any variations in the build process are quickly identified and brought to everyone’s attention. Once the build is complete, the information is readily available for a thorough review providing valuable data to improve the process for subsequent builds.

A new design is reviewed by the engineering department and then processed through SMIRT DieBuild. A graphical flow chart of the build process is generated and released to the rest of the departments. The entire process for each die is controlled and communicated to everyone involved and ensures consistent techniques are used throughout the facility.

Management tools

SMIRT DieBuild has task completion check off ability for each operation by the shop floor personnel. This information updates real time percent complete stored on the server. A reporting tool is provided so managers can see the current status of all work flow throughout the shop. 

Operation manager

Using the SMIRT DieBuild operation manager, the operator on the “Shop Floor” can visualize the progression of the casting from receiving the rough casting through to the finish machining and die assembly. Machinists simply load SMIRT DieBuild operations and immediately proceed to their assigned machining tasks or die makers can proceed to their assembly tasks. This prevents costly machining errors by clearly controlling the sequence of machining operations. Once completed, the graphical flow chart is updated and the current status of the die build is available to everyone involved. 

Operations and processes

The process flow chart provides a visual representation of the relationship between die build operations and processes. Each operation is displayed as a separate window. When connected to other operations it forms a process. Connectors between operations indicate that visible solids and machining are moving from one operation to the next. 

Link to other software

SMIRTware can provide a customized interface to other management software products such as scheduling. 

No more Supplier Guessing

Within the SMIRT file sent to your supplier, all the DieBuild data is readily accessible using SMIRT DieBuildView. Your supplier will be able to follow the detailed die build process that you defined. This will eliminate costly miscommunication and second guessing of how the die should be built or component machined.