Virtual allowable for composite laminates at your fingertips
Virtually predict coupons behaviour avoiding lengthy physical tests.

Digimat-VA enables the user to virtually define a test campaign to characterise composite laminates while taking into account the material, process and testing related variability.
Revolutionise composites characterisation in our Digital Materials Laboratory
With Digimat-VA, the development of new composite structures realises substantial time and cost savings across the entire material characterisation process while simultaneously delivering innovative technology that will unleash the full potential of composite materials. The end-to-end solution allows you to generate a full virtual campaign of materials, layups, tests and environmental conditions and predict the virtual stiffness and strength of composite coupons.
Moving beyond the full test campaign, Digimat-VA also accounts for material, process and testing variability and effect of defects such as waviness, fibre tow gaps, porosity or delamination. The guided workflow ensures fast and accurate predictions of composite laminates, reducing lengthy physical testing campaigns through efficient virtual testing.
Value & benefits:
- Access extensive libraries of material models, microstructures, physics and tests to create the digital twin of your physical campaign
- Account for variability of the material, process and testing parameters while reducing the amount of experimental tests
- Investigate effects of defects such as waviness, porosity, delamination or fibre tow gaps
- Predict the virtual stiffness and strength of the composite laminate in just a few clicks.
Key features:
An extensive range of available tests
Accounting for variability
Post-processing of the results
Highly efficient computation