PolyWorks strukturoituun valoon perustuville skannereille

Yksityiskohtaiset mittaukset ja tarkastukset yhdessä ratkaisussa.

Graphic representation of Polyworks software showing a robotic canine exiting a computer screen with a StereoScan neo scanning the dog

PolyWorks strukturoituun valoon perustuville skannereille

Ota yhteyttä

Kanadan InnovMetric Software Inc:n kehittämä PolyWorks® on kolmannen osapuolen ratkaisu pistepilvien huipputason tarkastuksiin ja takaisinmallinnuksiin.

Olitpa sitten valamassa, jyrsimässä, muovaamassa tai leimaamassa, PolyWorks tarjoaa täydellisen ratkaisun prosessiisi. PolyWorks-ohjelmistopaketti on saatavana täydellisenä pakettina tai – kahden pääsovelluksen osalta – pistepilven tarkastukseen tai takaisinmallinnukseen.

SLS-liitännäinen PW-ratkaisulle

SLS-PW-liitännäisen avulla kaikkia Hexagonin strukturoituun valoon perustuvia skannereita voidaan hallita täysin PolyWorks-ohjelmistoympäristössä. Yhden alustan työnkulun parempi tehokkuus lyhentää tarkastusaikoja poistamalla mittaustietojen viennin ja tuonnin erillisten ohjelmien välillä sekä minimoimalla koulutustarpeet.

Tämä liitännäinen perustuu Hexagonin strukturoituun valoon perustuvaan SDK-skannaukseen, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuuden lisäliitännäisten kehittämiseen muihin suuriin metrologian ohjelmistoalustoihin.

PolyWorks-liitännäinen Hexagonin strukturoituun valoon perustuviin skannereihin
  • Features & Benefits
    PolyWorks offers users the following great benefits:

    3D modelling
    Put high-density point clouds of digitised prototype parts and assemblies to use in the manufacturing process.

    Early identification
    Quickly identify deformations and fix problems at an earlier stage in the manufacturing process.

    Verified production
    Approve your manufacturing process by fully inspecting your first-assembled products.

    Production cycle monitoring
    Automatically measure wear of tools and quickly detect any abrupt degradation in product quality.

    Automated verification
    Ensure compliance of final manufactured and assembled products through automated sample check inspection.

    Reverse engineer
    Transform aligned point clouds into highly accurate and fully manufacturable polygonal models using PolyWorks' unique tolerance-based adaptive meshing technology.

    Fill gaps
    Reconstruct perfect polygonal features from imperfectly digitised geometry.

    The SLS-PW Plug-in offers users the following great benefits

    First deep integration of structured light scanning technology within a market leading third-party metrology software platform.

    Direct control
    Take complete control of scanning operations using Hexagon SLS systems from within the PolyWorks software environment.

    Simple control
    Scanning users only need to work within and be trained for a single software environment.

    Time saver
    No longer any need to export data from a proprietary software into a third-party platform for analysis.

    Enhanced productivity
    Simplified single-platform workflow and process parallelisation delivers up to 25% faster analysis performance.

    Customised workflows
    Compatibility with PolyWorks workflow macros make productivity improvement even easier, with the plug-in including user guidance and examples to make the functionality more accessible.

    Scanner handling
    Data capture on difficult measurement objects with non-uniform reflection is simplified with easy handling of scanner exposure functionality.

    Semi-automation compatible
    Scanner and turntable support allows for higher-speed semi-automated measurement processes and multi-part measurement.

    Software design
    An intuitive graphical user interface and accessible workflows make optical 3D scanning a seamless experience with the SLS-PW Plug-in.

StereoScan neo

The advanced structured light scanner featuring Smart Phase Projection technology that allows for the best scanning results on dark and shiny surfaces.


Capture even complex surface geometries and fragile or deformable parts quickly with a high degree of accuracy with this compact optical 3D scanner.


Entry-level structured light scanner for highly precise 3D digitisation of industrial components with a range of configuration options.