Robotik och automation

Smart tillverkning bygger på förmågan att samla in och använda data inom dina processer. Industriell automatisering kommer att spela en viktig roll, både när det gäller att samla in de data du behöver och när det gäller att implementera datadrivna processer. Hexagons lösningar stöder helt automatiserad mätning och processtyrning samt bredare automatiseringsapplikationer för verkstadsgolvet.

  • Product

    The PartInspect L merges a robot arm with premium structured-light scanning technology to deliver premium quality control.

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      Conditional autonomy
      Continuous automation, execution and analysis of inspection part program
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  • Screenshot showcasing the user interface of the Robodyn software

    The Robodyn software is the perfect tool for improving absolute positioning and performance of robotics.

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      Conditional autonomy
      Automated execution of robot calibration
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  • Product

    HxGN Robotic Automation provides users with intuitive, flexible and scalable software to power robotic inspection cells.

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      Partial autonomy
      Advance algorithms facilitate automated scanning path creation and digital twin modelling
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  • Product

    Enabling the future of automated inspection.

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      Partial autonomy
      Some automation but requires human attention at all times.
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  • Platform

    Nexus is a platform to enhance smart manufacturing collaboration, accelerating innovation and time to market.