Строительство крупных сооружений — промышленные объекты

Providing data-driven solutions that help design, plan, build, operate and sustain industrial assets of the highest quality.

Heavy Construction_Marquee

Пусть тяжелую работу выполняют данные

Более интеллектуальное, эффективное и рентабельное строительство промышленных объектов 

Готовы узнать, как возможности Hexagon могут расширить возможности вашего бизнеса?

На протяжении всего жизненного цикла проекта Hexagon помогает управлять рисками и сложностями, возникающими при проектировании, планировании и строительстве самых крупных и сложных проектов в мире. Используйте наше программное обеспечение и решения для промышленного строительства, чтобы повысить наглядность, принимать более взвешенные решения и достигать более высоких результатов в проектах с помощью цифровой информации.  

Узнайте больше о решениях по экосистемам

Industrial facilities
Explore how Hexagon's solutions for the infrastructure ecosystem ensure heavy construction for industrial facility projects are optimised to reduce rework and built to plan - on time and on budget - while protecting human and material resources.

Design phase

Transform the project vision with Hexagon’s design and engineering software that is the gold standard for precision and ease of use.

Plan phase

Capture an exact digital twin of a site’s existing conditions, features and precise location to facilitate digital design concepts that drive efficiencies and reduce waste throughout the asset lifecycle.

Build phase

Orchestrate a construction project that is a model of productivity and efficiency — achieving the highest quality while avoiding rework and waste.

Operate and maintain phase

Leverage data from the planning, design and build phases to create an operational twin that connects people, processes and events throughout the entire industrial facility lifecycle.

Offerings for the complex system of ensuring public safety, economic vitality and quality of life for citizens with solutions that enable governments, industry and citizens to work together to build safe and vibrant communities that promise an improved standard of living and sustainable economic vitality.

Industrial and commercial resiliency

Forge safer industrial and commercial facilities with scalable surveillance, security and incident management capabilities.

Explore how Hexagon's solutions for the infrastructure ecosystem ensure heavy construction for industrial facility projects are optimised to reduce rework and built to plan - on time and on budget - while protecting human and material resources.

Construct phase

Maintain a data-driven approach to orchestrate the entire construction phase, creating a 3D model of productivity and efficiency — with higher quality, fewer reworks and less waste — while layering 4D cost and 5D BIM scheduling data throughout the project.