What’s new in REcreate?

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REcreate 2022.3

REcreate 2022.3 is the latest release of Hexagon’s reverse engineering software. REcreate is now more powerful, faster, and user friendly with multiple UX enhancements. Calculations are faster, graphics are better, and many commands now support fragmented datasets.

These and other enhancements are in the latest version. Major highlights include:

  • Structure tree enhancements – grouping and filtering
    • Group by colour, type and user-defined groups
  • Improved user experience
    • Easier to use commands, with better definition of the panels and more visible error feedback
  • Workplane enhancements
    • Create workplanes easily without needing to run any commands
  • Curve projection and enhanced sections
    • A streamlined new command for drawing curves projected directly onto mesh elements
    • Section command enhanced to give more control and produce better results
  • Surfacing enhancements
    • Enhanced UX when using the convert (mesh) to surface command. More power and control for quickly creating simple meshes to full CAD models
    • Enhanced edit boundary command automatically extends surfaces beyond their original boundary to speed up surface modelling
  • Improved handling of fragmented cloud data
    • Import multiple point clouds simultaneously – improved speed and UX reduces wasted time
    • Align multiple clouds simultaneously – more powerful solution with fewer operations and clicks needed
  • Removal and heal on meshes
    • Now quick and easy to remove unwanted blemishes in a mesh model