Pinnankarheuden mittaukseen tarkoitetut anturit

Työkappaleen pinnan rakenne on laadunvarmistuksessa tärkeämpi kuin koskaan ennen.

Close up of the Profiler R roughness sensor

Tutustu pinnankarheuden antureihin

Karkeusanturit tuottavat pinnan profiilin mittaustietoja eri materiaalityypeille.

Tietoja Tuotteesta

  • Product

    The PROFILER R is a miniature roughness sensor that provides tactile surface inspection for ultra-high accuracy CMMs.

    • ×
      Partial autonomy
      Automated execution and analysis of inspection part program
  • Image illustrating the PRECITEC Optical Senso

    PRECITEC optical sensors offer white light laser inspection for applications like roughness and thickness measurement.

    • ×
      Partial autonomy
      Automated execution and analysis of inspection part program
  • HP-OW-Optical-Sensors

    The HP-OW sensor uses chromatic white-light spectroscopy to take highly accurate measurements on various surface finishes.

    • ×
      Partial autonomy
      Automated execution and analysis of inspection part program