MSC Nastran
Multidisciplinary structural analysis

The original and best FEA solver
With over 50 years of validation as the most industry-trusted finite element solver, MSC Nastran is continuously evolving to meet today’s structural analysis challenges.
Use MSC Nastran to ensure structural systems have the necessary strength, stiffness, and life to predict and prevent failures (excess stresses, resonance, buckling, or detrimental deformations) to engineer more functional, safer, and more durable products. MSC Nastran is trusted by a wide range of industries, where it is used to analyse everything from the economy and passenger comfort of structural designs in the automotive industry to improving airframes and fuselages in the aerospace industry.
MSC Nastran’s unique multidisciplinary approach to structural analysis allows you to:
- Simulate and test designs virtually to reduce costly physical prototypes
- Reduce reliance on physical testing in extreme or hazardous environments
- Remedy structural issues that may occur during a product’s service, reducing downtime and costs.
- Optimise the performance of existing designs or develop unique product differentiators to gain a competitive advantage
- Certify designs in the aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding industries
- Take advantage of Hexagon’s interoperability to co-simulate across multiple disciplines.
MSC Nastran is based on sophisticated numerical methods, the most prominent being the Finite Element Method. Solve Nonlinear FE problems with built-in implicit numerical techniques. Get better results with optimisation algorithms, including MSCADS and IPOPT. Perform advanced fatigue and durability analysis in MSC Nastran with built-in CAEfatigue, the fastest and most robust fatigue solution on the market today.
Multidisciplinary structural analysis
Automated structural optimisation
High-performance computing
Support and validation
Customer success stories
On-demand webinars