Maps for mobility

Cars coming out of a tunnel onto the highway

Maps and location intelligence

Software and data to efficiently manage transportation networks, logistics operations and autonomous driving.

Ready to learn how Hexagon's capabilities can empower your business?

Hexagon provides sensors, software, platforms and data to manage ageing transportation infrastructure, improve traffic and freight capacity and support map-making for logistics and autonomous driving. 

Explore capabilities

Autonomous mobility
Mapping and geospatial data accelerate the research, development and deployment of autonomous mobility for on- and off-road vehicles. 

Enabling solutions

Autonomous mobility research and development platforms that enable automation functionality across a diverse set of control systems and industrial applications.

Cities and nations
Mapping and geospatial data solutions provide essential information to ensure public safety and economic vitality. Hexagon's offerings enable government organisations and private industry to work together to build safe and vibrant communities that promise sustainability and the highest quality of life.  

Industrial and commercial resiliency

Forge safer industrial and commercial facilities with scalable surveillance, security and incident management capabilities.

Mapping solutions

Leverage location intelligence with solutions that capture, visualise, analyse and derive insights from location data to address a variety of urban and national challenges.

Public administration solutions

Easily share data for census, cadastral management, public works and interagency situational awareness with cloud-based applications and collaborative solutions.

Public safety solutions

Improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information with integrated technology solutions that enhance public safety and security performance and productivity.

Transportation solutions

Deploy intuitive, integrated solutions for roads, railways, aviation and maritime to ensure effective planning and operations and enhance safety with minimal disruption.

Utilities and communications solutions

Achieve greater network service reliability, enhance integrity, increase efficiency and fulfil the expectations of utility stakeholders with Hexagon’s location-based technologies.