Portfolio Planning
Optimise portfolio value with real-time visibility into resources and performance.
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Connect strategy to portfolio
As organisations grow larger in scale, it’s often a challenge to align projects with high-level business objectives. Executive management struggles to prioritise projects, allocate resources and achieve optimal efficiency. This is where project portfolio monitoring comes to the rescue.
While other project portfolio monitoring software is disconnected from project management systems, Hexagon maximises portfolio value by keeping the two within the same platform. This allows you to manage your whole project landscape and apply thoughtful criteria to evaluate and select projects that drive organisational growth and ensure strategic alignment.
Connect critical processes of project portfolio monitoring such as:
- Portfolio planning and control
- Resource planning and management
- Fund management
- Capital budgeting and planning
- Estimating and benchmarking
The processes are further enhanced with enabling technologies including data integration, mobile access and stage gates via visual workflows.
We’re climbing the automation curve
Our transition to Intelligent automation is accelerating. Ultimately, our innovations will give rise to new technologies and applications - many of which we’ve yet to imagine. Today, every Hexagon solution is mapped and tagged according to its level of automation, so customers can clearly track our progress towards the freedom of autonomy.
Products that make an environmental impact in forest monitoring, material reusability, farming or water usage.
Products that make an environmental impact in renewable energy, noise pollution elimination and e-mobility.
Products that make an environmental impact in saving our oceans, reducing pollution and increasing access to clean water.