Third party software
Additional Terms and Conditions and/or Notices
Certain Hexagon products may be accompanied by software licensed from third parties, including open source software. This notice identifies relevant third party software, additional terms and conditions and/or notices applicable to such third party software, and, in the case of some open source third party software, where the software may be downloaded.
Please click below on the applicable Hexagon product for relevant third-party software information:
- Actran
- Adams
- Adams Modeler
- CAEfatigue
- Cradle CFD
- Digimat
- Dytran
- Easy5
- FluidConnection
- FTI Forming Suite
- License Manager
- Marc
- MaterialCenter
- MD Adams
- MD Nastran
- MD Patran
- MSC Apex
- MSC Apex Generative Design
- MSC CoSim
- MSC Enterprise Mvision
- MSC Nastran
- MSC Sinda
- MSC Software Development Kit
- ODYSSEE Explore
- ODYSSEE Solver
- Patran
- ROD 3D
- Romax
- SimDesigner
- SimManager
- SimOffice
- Simufact
- SimXpert
- VTD Scale
Please click below on the applicable third party partner product for relevant open source software information:
This web site contains links to third-party web sites. The linked sites are not under the control of Hexagon, and Hexagon is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. Hexagon is providing these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement of the linked site by Hexagon.