Surveillance and Security for Electric

Ensure the security of critical infrastructure assets with 3D Surveillance

Surveillance challenges in your industry


A fire in an energy plant or a targeted attack could cause a devastating blackout which is why advanced security is crucial for critical infrastructure in the energy sector. However, traditional perimetric security systems struggle with common threats: They fail to detect drones and can’t trace intruders who are already inside the plant or transformator station.

A solution for your challenges


Hexagon’s 3D Surveillance system uses edge computing and assistive AI to detect physical changes within a space autonomously. It can distinguish between threats and nonthreats and notify the end user accordingly. Operators of energy plants and transformator stations can protect large areas with Hexagon’s 3D Surveillance solution which detects intruders and indicates their accurate position, movement and direction. The system can also control air zones and thus protect critical infrastructure from attacks by drones.

Automated volume measuring

Automated volume monitoring provides accurate inventory of current bulk storage. Hexagon's BLK247 3D scanners deliver information in real time and support asset management with automated processes.

Ready to get started?

Talk to an expert and discover how you can use the BLK247 VolumeMonitor solution for your challenges