j5 Operations Management Solutions

j5 Operations Management Solutions

Tried-and-Tested Operations Management

Enables facilities to document and manage the execution of safety-critical industrial processes.


j5 Operations Management Solutions provides a tried-and-tested operations management solution with spreadsheet-like configurability and enterprise scalability. This is comprised of j5 Framework, j5 Operations Logbook, j5 Shift Handover, j5 Standing Orders, j5 Work Instructions, j5 Operator Rounds & Routine Duties, j5 Action Management, j5 Incident Management, j5 Control of Work and j5 Management of Change. For seamless access to information, j5 Operations Management Solutions connect to external industrial systems of record.


Features & benefits

Fast search and filtering, integration with other j5 applications, time savings and accuracy.

Consistent performance

Consistent performance

Ensure reliable and informed formatting, structure and content for optimal shift-to-shift communication.

Centralised data repository

Centralised data repository

Eliminate paper, spreadsheets, scattered databases and disconnected applications.

Web browser and mobile-based

Web browser and mobile-based

j5 applications are readily available within a familiar web browser environment, and entries can be recorded from a mobile device.

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