Interim Report January - March 2007

2 May 2007

A record strong first quarter 2007

  • Order intake increased to 3 780 MSEK (3 408). Organic growth in order intake was
  • Net sales increased to 3 499 MSEK (3 335). Organic growth in net sales was 12 per cent.
  • Earnings before taxes increased by 54 per cent to 496 MSEK (322).
  • Earnings after taxes increased by 66 per cent to 436 MSEK (263).
  • Earnings per share, before dilution, increased by 43 per cent to 4.91 SEK (3.43).
  • Swedish software company Svensk ByggnadsGeodesi AB, SBG was acquired.
  • Eurosteel and Johnson Metall in the business area Hexagon Engineering were divested. The remaining businesses within the business area are thereafter reported as Other operations.

Adjustment of forecast

  • Hexagon's long term financial goal to increase earnings per share after tax with 15 per cent per annum will be exceeded for year 2007.
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