Interim Report January - March 2005

3 May 2005

· Order intake increased by 22 per cent to 2 382 MSEK (1 950).
· Net sales increased by 27 per cent to 2 241 MSEK (1 760).
· The organic growth was 11 per cent.
· Earnings before taxes increased by 62 per cent to 152 MSEK (94).
· Earnings after taxes increased by 62 per cent to 110 MSEK (68).
· Earnings per share increased by 66 per cent to 5.83 SEK (3.52).
· Cash flow per share amounted to -2.59 SEK (3.89).

                                     First Quarter
                        2005           2004               Change
 (MSEK)                                        Recorded     Adjusted. *
 Order Intake          2 382          1 950           22 %            7 %
 Net sales             2 241          1 760           27 %           11 %
 Operating               180            119           51 %           18 %
 (EBIT 1)
    Margin %             8,0            6.8            1,2            0,4
 Operating               180            110           64 %           27 %
 Earnings                152             94           62 %           30 %
 before taxes
 Earnings                110             68           62 %           31 %
 after taxes
 Earnings per           5.82           3.52           66 %           33 %
 share, SEK
 Cash flow per         -2.59           3.89         -167 %               
 share, SEK
  • Adjusted for currency fluctuations and changes in Group structure
 For further information, please The interim report will be presented
 contact:                        Tuesday, May 3rd at 15.00 hrs C.E.T. in
 Ola Rollén, President & C.E.O., a telephone conference.  Please see
 Hexagon AB                      instructions at:
 Phone +46 8 601 26 20
 Håkan Halén, C.F.O., Hexagon AB
 Phone +46 8 601 26 20
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Hexagon AB
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