Interim Report January - June 2004

10 August 2004

Second Quarter 2004

·Net sales increased to 2 126 MSEK (1 825). Using fixed exchange rates
and a comparable group structure, the organic growth was 15 per cent.

·Earnings before taxes increased by 39 per cent to 121 MSEK (87).

·Earnings per share after taxes increased by 41 per cent to 4.49 SEK(3.19).

·Cash flow per share increased to 13.14 SEK (2.97)

First half year of 2004

·Net sales increased by 6 per cent to 3 886 MSEK (3 672). Using fixed
exchange rates and a comparable group structure, net sales increased by
9 per cent.

·Earnings before taxes increased by 32 per cent to 207 MSEK (157).

·Earnings per share after taxes increased by 35 per cent to 7.57 SEK (5.62).

·Cash flow per share increased to 17.03 SEK (6.17).

 For further information, please contact:                          
 Ola Rollén, CEO, Hexagon AB, tel. no     +46 (0) 8 - 601 26 20
 Håkan Halén, CFO, Hexagon AB, tel. no  +46 (0) 8 - 601 26 20
Media Enquiries
PR Team
Hexagon AB
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