NAS400 – Nonlinear analysis with MSC Nastran
NAS400 covers many of the aspects of implicit nonlinear analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran. This includes large deformations, advanced nonlinear materials, contacts, analysis chaining, heat transfer, and nonlinear transient dynamics.
- MSC Nastran overview
- Overview of implicit analysis with SOL 400
- Sources of nonlinearity
- Concepts of nonlinear analysis
- Chaining of different types of analysis
- Change in boundary conditions
- Advanced nonlinear material models in MSC Nastran
- Large deformations in elasto-plastic regime
- Nonlinear elasticity
- Hyperelasticity
- Composite materials
- Creep
- Materials with memory
- Advanced non-linear elements in MSC Nastran
- Bodies of contact and interaction between bodies of contact
- Heat transmission
- Nonlinear dynamic analysis
Basic knowledge of Nastran (NAS101, NAS120 and NAS103) is recommended.
On demand
Three days
Contact information
Office Madrid:
Avenida de Manoteras, nº 32. Edificio A, 1ª Planta
Tel: +34 91 143 66 16 ext 4808