Mine Exploration Drilling
Analyse drillhole data, geologically interpret deposits and create accurate block models.

Store, manage and analyse exploration drillhole data
Hexagon’s centralised database platform simplifies the challenge of managing drillhole datasets.
Hexagon provides geologists with a centralised database platform for securely managing drillhole, blasthole, sample and any other data with built-in functionality for data processing and quality assurance/quality control (QAQC).
Without a centralised database, designing and managing drillholes while retaining all pertinent data can be difficult. Communicating those designs can be more challenging still.
Securely manage drillhole data
Hexagon’s drillhole manager comprises a centralised database platform for securely managing drillhole, blasthole, sample and any other data with built-in functionality for data processing and quality assurance/quality control (QAQC).
The platform provides the foundation for geology workflows within Hexagon’s mine planning portfolio and dynamically integrates with tools for 3D visualisation, statistics, modelling, interpolation and more.
Geologists can count on this robust data management platform for data storage and security. It provides the foundation for data processing, validation, QAQC and interpretation with dynamic integrations that enable seamless execution of geology workflows.

We’re climbing the automation curve
Our transition to Intelligent automation is accelerating. Ultimately, our innovations will give rise to new technologies and applications - many of which we’ve yet to imagine. Today, every Hexagon solution is mapped and tagged according to its level of automation, so customers can clearly track our progress towards the freedom of autonomy.
Products that make an environmental impact in forest monitoring, material reusability, farming or water usage.
Products that make an environmental impact in renewable energy, noise pollution elimination and e-mobility.
Products that make an environmental impact in saving our oceans, reducing pollution and increasing access to clean water.