Business process digitalisation and optimisation

Business process optimisation and digitalisation

Ready to learn more?

Nexus Connected Worker digital workflows uniquely adapt to the ideal business processes of the organisation. We offer a comprehensive tool set for enterprise integration and a configurable user experience that empowers all of your business operations.


With Nexus Connected Worker, optimising your business process is about adapting our software to your organisation's existing or desired context. We specialise in the ability to digitalise and merge every data source, so that all applications lead to better behaviors and outcomes.

  • Push and pull information easily into systems of record for seamless integration.
  • Configure the user experience to guide workers in the simplest way possible.
  • Report on data as granular as you prefer.
  • Include machine or IoT data.
  • Apply logic and dynamic information to enhance the user experience.
  • Validate data collection at the point of use.
Worker in hardhat and safety jacket reviewing a transparent dashboard of data overlayed onto of an industrial facility view.


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