QUINDOS Gear Cutting Tools

QUINDOS - Software for measuring gear cutting tools

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QUINDOS offers all functionalities for the measurement of gear cutting tools. Measuring gear cutting tools is useful only with high precision measuring machines due to the high precision requirements. You simply need to enter the specific parameters for your measurement. All travel paths, probing points and scanning lines for the measuring machine are created automatically. The actual quality grade is evaluated according to implemented ISO and DIN standards.

QUINDOS Hob Cutter

For measurement of single and multi thread hobs with parallel or helical flutes on high accuracy Coordinate Measuring Machines. All evaluations as required by DIN 3968. In addition to DIN, also axial pitch and tooth height can be measured.

QUINDOS Shaper Cutter

All evaluations at shaper cutters with cone or step type cutting face as required by DIN 1829. Evaluates angles at the cutting edge, profile, helix, pitch, runout and thickness.

QUINDOS Shaving Gear

Helix, profile, pitch, runout and modifications of shaving gears are evaluated. The evaluation of shaving gears is similar to cylindrical gears.


Measurement of spur and helical broaches, with ring type spaces as well as helical chip spaces, on a high precision Coordinate Measuring Machine. Also with negative face angle. Evaluation of runout, transverse pitch, stepping of profile, face angle, back off angle, tooth profile, dimension over balls etc.

QUINDOS Form Cutter

Measuring of Form Cutters. Because of missing standards the measuring task must be checked and confirmed by Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence.

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