HxGN MinePlan Geosciences
The Geosciences Suite empowers your work as an exploration or resource geologist to store, manage, and analyse drillhole data, perform geological interpretation of deposits and generate accurate block models. Use the best mine modelling and mine planning tools and technologies available and spend less time moving and conditioning your files.

HxGN MinePlan Exploration Geo
Collect field drillhole data on mobile tablets using the GeoSlate mobile app then sync directly and instantly to MinePlan 3D.
The Geosciences Suite empowers your work as an exploration or resource geologist to store, manage, and analyze drillhole data, perform geological interpretation of deposits and generate accurate block models.
Use the best mine modeling and mine planning tools and technologies available and spend less time moving and conditioning your files.
Click here to interactively explore your own life-of-mine journey.