Leitz Infinity

Leitz Infinity – Most accurate CMM within its class

Leitz Infinity

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Highest precision and reliability – the Leitz Infinity is the most accurate 3D coordinate measuring machine (CMM) within its class and enables the combination of optical and tactile sensors in one measurement system. 

Every detail of the Leitz Infinity is focused on the reliable and precise performance of ultra-high accuracy measurements. The characteristic feature of the Leitz Infinity is the closed-frame design, which is comprised of a solid granite base, a fixed portal with cast iron pedestals and a granite crossbeam.

With excellent scanning performance due to the variable high-speed scanning (VHSS), measurements can be carried out following the principle ‘as fast as possible, as slow as necessary’. The scanning speed adapts to known geometries in real time, with simple lines being scanned fast and the speed automatically adjusting when scanning complex passages.

The Leitz Infinity carries out any measurement task with the highest precision regardless of whether it’s on prismatic workpieces or parts with highly complex geometries such as cylindrical or globoid stepping gears.

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