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How to use measurement triggers

Measurements are triggered as an instrument's probe crosses the boundary of the specified surface.

Using Perimeters in Inspire

A Perimeter is a region to scan from an automated scanning device. Inspire has added Perimeter features to help plan for future inspections.

What’s New in Inspire 2024.1

This latest version of Inspire brings many new updates.

Real-time Meshing

  • When enabled, a real-time mesh will be automatically created when scanning
  • Can be enabled or disabled for individual cloud features in their properties

Statistical Process Control

  • Basic SPC Capabilities/Improved Connection to Nexus Metrology Reporting
  • Added support for statistical reporting across multiple samples

Projection Normal Matching

  • Projection support for thin parts
  • Previously, points always projected to closest face
  • With projection normal matching, cloud directions determine which face is used for projection
Projection Normal Matching

Simulated Measurement

  • Generate data without measuring
  • Simulate scanning or probing measurements on CAD models, faces, or features

Vector Group Improvements

  • Improved visual control
  • Vector groups can now be assigned a visual length and/or position offset to help improve the positioning or visibility of vectors

And much more!

  • Inspire 2023.3

    Inspire brings many new features to 2023.3, including:

    • Inspire 2023.3 is now NIST certified
      • Inspire 2023.3 geometry fitting is now certified by NIST in accordance with ASME B89.4.10-2000 and NISTIR 5686.
      • See https://hexagon.com/company/divisions/manufacturing-intelligence/software-certificates
    • Faster Multi-Hole Extraction from CAD
      • Extract Multiple CAD Features has been renamed to Extract Holes from CAD and moved to the Features tab.
        • Now you can select which faces on the CAD model to extract from:  
          A CAD model showing an tool tip for the user to extract
        • Choose an existing hole to define the size, or use the (traditional) advanced dialog:Defining the size of a hole with advanced dialogs in Inspire
    • Cylinder Fit – Exhaustive Search
      • Added Use Exhaustive Search option for cylinder fits.

      A screenshot from Inspire metrology software showing cylinder fits

    • Outlier Rejection
      • Options for Auto/On/Off
      • Auto: On for clouds, off for probed points
        Options for rejecting outliers on a CAD model
    • Face-specific Comparisons
      • When creating a comparison, pick individual CAD faces to only compare to those faces. Or pick the entire CAD model from the tree.
        Face comparison tool in metrology software
  • Inspire brings many new features to 2023.2, including:

    • Enhanced feature extraction – there are now more ways to analyze your feature extraction parameters and inputs
      • Extraction cloud – the generalized region of cloud data being sampled
      • Ringband cloud – the focused area that is set with the offset and bandwidth values in the extraction parameters
      • BestFitPoints cloud – the resulting points being used for the geometry fit

      Best fit cloud feature inside Inspire metrology software
    • Custom color bars – you can now customize the colour segments in a colorbar
    Custom colour bar settings in Inspire
    • 6 degrees of freedom control for alignments – you can now control all six degrees of freedom in a Best-Fit Points to Points alignment

    6 degrees of freedom settings in Inspire metrology software


  • Inspire 2023.1

    Inspire is updated to the new branding to support the Nexus platform.

    Major improvements include:

    • Move Dimension Leader Lines
    • Duplicate Objects in the Tree
    • Create Colorized deviation Clouds to 3D Features
    • Highlighting Nominal Features during measurement
    • Project Comparison errors on Actuals
    • Comparisons to STL show positive and negative deviations
    • Cardinal Points for slots
    • Best Fit Points to Points Alignment: Force point pairs
    • GD&T: Projected Tolerance Zones
    • Set Project information for the job file
    • Set Project Info Action
    • Set Measurement Method
    • Point Instrument at Feature Centers


  • Inspire 2022.2

    Inspire 2022.2 brings numerous memory, performance, and functionality improvements.

    To improve performance, the way you scan and store cloud data is completely rewritten.

    Expect increased speeds for scanning and processes with point clouds by parallelizing operations, making algorithms more efficient and avoiding unnecessary copy of data under the hood.

    In production, this means you can scan a part with 5 – 7 scan passes in about 15 seconds. Where it used to take about a minute to process the data into a full scan, it now takes 20 seconds.

    Many operations are two to three times faster, including Alignments and Feature extractions.

    Some operations are up to 10x faster, including scanning large files, and selecting and deleting large sections of cloud data. Deleting sections of a point used to take twenty seconds, now take only two.

    Major improvements include:

    • To improve performance, the way you scan and store cloud data is completely rewritten
    • Improved speeds for scanning and operations with point clouds by parallelizing operations, making algorithms more efficient and avoiding unnecessary copy of data under the hood.
    • Many operations are 2 – 3 times faster, including Alignments and Feature extractions
    • Some operations are up to 10 times faster, including scanning large files, selecting and deleting large sections of cloud data


  • Inspire 2022.1
    • New functionality enabling a password security upgrade. Password protect job files and lock features.
    • Comparison enhancements – add a comparison that reverses the direction / magnitude of deviations, and a comparison to save colorization settings and changing the default colorization selection.
    • New features including the addition of a construction method for calculating a diameter and location where two cones intersect, updates to analysis tools, offsetting along a normal, instrument jumping, cloud to cloud alignments, added GD&T support for ASME and ISO, and more, all designed to continue making Inspire more robust and easier to use.
  • Inspire
    • Extract features from multiple CAD faces and partial surfaces
    • New display options for dimensions and the graphic window
    • Added a new feature intersector operation

Enhanced CAD feature extraction

Extract features and organic surfaces using multiple CAD faces. Inspire more intelligently visualizes nominal features to match CAD faces.

New Intersector feature

The Intersector feature now lets Inspire users create multiple intersection points from two features.
  • Inspire
    • Create features and dimensions from individual cross sections
    • Enhanced feature callout visualizations and value display logic
    • Added functionality to the ATS600 interface and updated camera views

Further cross section analysis

Inspire now allows users to perform more in depth analysis of a single cross section. Extract features and create dimensions directly from the cross section view.


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