Ethics & Compliance Reporting System

What is the ethics & compliance reporting system?

The Ethics & Compliance Reporting System is a confidential reporting service operated by Lighthouse, an independent third-party provider, to assist individuals to confidentially report legal or policy violations by Hexagon's employees and third parties acting on Hexagon’s behalf. Reporting in good faith will not result in retaliation or negative consequence. To access the Ethics & Compliance Hotline Reporting System, click on the applicable link below. Reports can also be made via our toll-free hotline.

  • To make a report via phone from the United States, please dial 1-833-961-3661.
  • All other countries should dial (appropriate country exit code) +80000123333.

It has been externally and independently verified that Hexagon’s Ethics and Compliance Reporting System is operated in compliance with the reporting standards required by EU and Swedish laws.

What kind of situation could be better addressed with my direct manager or HR officer?

If you have a personal grievance, we encourage you to discuss this with your direct manager or HR officer first and only use the hotline when these channels have been exhausted or are not appropriate:

Personal grievances are concerns or issues that are specific to an individual employee's experiences or circumstances in the workplace.

Examples of personal grievances include:

  • Unfair performance evaluations: If an employee believes their performance review was biased or not reflective of their actual work.
  • Wage and salary disputes: If an employee has concerns about their pay, overtime compensation, or discrepancies in their paycheck.
  • Conflicts with co-workers or supervisors: If an employee experiences interpersonal issues or disagreements with colleagues or managers that affect their work environment.

Report an incident – To report an incident, click here.

Already made a report? To follow-up or get the status of an existing report, click one of the below:

Hexagon Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Hexagon is committed to ensuring that its personnel act with the highest standards of ethics and in compliance with all regulatory and legal requirements and recommended practices.

Read the Code

Hexagon Supplier Code of Conduct

Hexagon’s Supplier Code of Conduct communicates Hexagon’s minimum requirements for the standards and business practices of Hexagon’s Suppliers.

Read the Supplier Code