SimManager 2021.2 platform support

Component Item Version Item Note
Web Server Operating System  
Windows  Windows Server 2012 R2 Intel/AMD X86 (64-Bit)
Windows 10  
Windows Server 2016  
Windows Server 2019  
Linux RHEL 7.3 64 Bit
RHEL 7.5  
RHEL 8.3  
SUSE ES 12 SP1 & SP3  
Open SUSE leap 15.2  
Web Server
Tomcat Apache Tomcat 9.0.33 Packaged with Installer
Web Server Virtualizaiton
VM VMWare ESX/ESXi VM  Windows/Linux - Native Hypervisor - Type 1
Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server 2016 RTM  
SQL Server 2019 (Enterprise Edition)  
Oracle Oracle 11g - R2 Standard or Enterpise Edition
Oracle 12c Standard or Enterprise Edition  
Oracle 12c Enterprise Edition  
Oracle 19.3.0 Enterprise Edition  
Oracle 19.10 Enterprise Edition  
PostgreSQL Postgres 10.5 Packaged with Installer
  Postgres 12.4
Server Side Java
Open JDK 11
FlexLM MSC Licensing Helium (  
LDAP  V3.0  
Microsoft Active Directory 2008R2 (Any version that supports LDAP 3.0 interface)  
Analysis Manager 2010.0.33  
Grid Engine SGE 6.2
Univa Grid Engine: 8.6.1  
PBS Pro 12.1 version  
IBM LSF 10.1 Version  
Perl Active Perl (64 bit) 5.24 Windows
Version 5.24 Linux
Microsoft Internet Explorer IE 11.0 (Native)  
Microsoft Edge Edge 38.14393, 40.15063, 42.17134.1.0  
Mozilla Firefox 52.0+ (till FF 89.0) 52 ESR (32 bit) version is required for VCollab plugin
Note: Firefox dropped all the plug-ins support from Version 52 onwards. Alternative provided for Plugin support is 52 ESR version.
Google Chrome Chrome 57.0.2987.133, 58.0.3029.81, 72.0.3626.121, 80.0.3987.163, 89.0.4389.82, 91.0.4472.106 64 bit version, VCollab 2016 not supported in embedded mode
Client Java
Open JDK 11
Explorer, Plugins and Clients
Mentat 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018  
Patran 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018  
SimXpert 2016, 2017  
Adams/Car 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2018.1, 2019  
ANSA 16, 17, 18  
Desktop Client 2018  
3rd Party Products
VCollab 2015 R2, 2016 R1, 2017 R1, 2018 R1, 2019.1,VCollab Enterprise & VCollab 19.4