Q-DAS PLV | Plant viewer
PLV gives the user a completely new view with fresh insights into quality data and quality aspects

Monitor machines, lines, plants and entire companies from every place
Using PLV, all machines can monitor and immediately see the measurement result for the parts manufactured on these machines regardless of the actual location.
Ready to learn more?
View of the equipment
The focus here is on a clear structure that is developed starting with the production machine and building “upwards”. Using PLV, all machines can monitor and immediately see the measurement result for the parts manufactured on these machines regardless of the actual location. PLV’s goal is to give its user-ranging from line supervisors to managers-an overview of the information that is relevant to the user.Product capabilities
Machine monitoring
Clear view of the quality status of the production machines
PLV allows quality managers, production managers and line managers to select the machines they want to see for monitoring. PLV is designed in such a way to support a control station scenario providing the responsible person with an overview of the selected machinery. In this way, the user can select an unlimited number of machines, or just those that are of interest.
The deliberately simple graphical interface and its graphics make it easier for the user to register either an alarm or a limit value being breached. With the well-known “traffic-light” system as an indicator, the user can see the current situation at first glance and make an assessment.
With the new Analysis & Reporting tool that has been integrated into PLV, users can now generate their own reports. Based on the aggregated data of PLV, reports can now be generated, saved as templates, or called up directly using a shortlink. The Analysis & Reporting Tool is directly connected to the new Explorer to manage and retrieve saved reports.
Guided wizards help you do the setup in a few clicks
Using the simple and highly intuitive wizard, you can create an initial dashboard in just a few clicks.
When developing PLV, as with all the other new web products, great importance has been attached to making the system setup as easy as possible for the user. Initial creation, modification or deletion of a machine never requires more than three clicks. The wizard guides the user and gives information about the options.
With the latest release, two detail pages have been added in order to access detailed information about individual measurements and / or machines even more quickly and easily.
Detail page for measurements: Users are now directly shown the information about the measurements in question. The page shows users the reasons for the alarm and provides further information on the overall context.
Detail pages for machines: Here, the user can clearly display the quality level of the parts manufactured on a particular machine. This enables targeted analysis of bad parts.
The Analysis & Reporting Tool is directly connected to the new Explorer to manage and retrieve saved reports.
Data can be further analysed and evaluated immediately via direct connection to other Q-DAS products
Using the “drop-off” functions, the user can further analyse the current data set of the monitored machine at any time in just one click.
The data set (e.g. the data for a product that was manufactured on a machine) can either be opened with Q-DAS | RTM or opened directly using Q-DAS qs-STAT. The respective application is automatically started or loaded with the corresponding data. If the detailed monitoring of a data set (e.g. the data for a part, monitoring based on the characteristics) is paramount, this can be done using Q-DAS | RTM Real-Time Monitoring.
It is possible to work with Q-DAS qs-STAT for conventional analysis of the data (e.g. to perform statistical analysis). Launching the application and loading the correct data set for the respective task is fully automatic (provided the respective product’s license is open-source and active).
Graphical user interface and reports available in 22 languages
Solara.MP is available in 22 languages. One click is all it takes to switch the language of a specific view. Employees working in different plants all over the world may apply Q-DAS software in their own language.
Form Designer
Individual design of reports
Q-DAS Form Designer makes it easy to create and modify available report templates. You may apply these templates in any Q-DAS software product. The interaction with M-QIS helps you adapt reports to the specific requirements of your intended recipients. Select from a toolbox of texts, statistics, parts data, characteristics data and additional data, as well as graphics (qs-STAT graphics and image files in the BMP, JPG, EMF and WMF format) and add links and logical operation formulas. Use drag-and-drop functionalities to position these elements in a report.
3D CAD Viewer
Integration of 3-D CAD models
CAD models offer visual support in performing measuring tasks. The integrated reporting system illustrates test results and evaluation results based on a CAD model.
3D CAD providing the basis for test plans
With a test plan available in qs-STAT and measured values recorded, you may assign characteristics to the CAD model after selecting them.
Supporting data recording
Approved as tools for the real-time visualisation of results and SPC alarm control, the tool is now even designed to show characteristic-specific views in the CAD model. It guides the operator perfectly through the measuring task.
Reports including 3D CADThe CAD models serve their purpose in many fields of statistical analysis; they can even be used in reports. Individual and customised reports refer to the respective CAD model. Since the features/characteristics are allocated to the drawing, the report automatically shows the relevant characteristics in the CAD model together with associated evaluation results.
Serial interfaces
Connect portable measuring instruments and test boxes
You may use qs-STAT to transfer measurement data directly via serial interface (RS-232).
Q-DM Datamanagement
Automated data transfer of files provided from third-party systems to the Q-DAS database
The Q-DAS database forms the basis for statistical evaluations in qs-STAT. Only the database makes it easy to compare different information (machines, orders, etc.) and evaluate them automatically in M-QIS Engine.
Transfer of dataQ-DM is typically installed on a server in your network, sometimes even as a service. It monitors directories cyclically storing Q-DAS files. As soon as you store a file in a directory you Q-DM monitors, the systems saves its contents to a Q-DAS database. This process is based on defined rules you adjusted in Q-DM; these rules ensure a clear allocation of measurement information in the database.
You may adjust a wide range of settings, e.g. how to respond to alarms occuring while loading files in the database and store specific information to be considered in subsequent evaluations. The tool is able to generate protocols when a problem occurs while transferring data, e.g. due to a missing network connection or erroneous files and sends them to system administrators by email. The major task of Q-DM Datamanagement is to guarantee a smooth data flow.
ConverterIn case your data are not available in the Q-DAS data format, you may apply a converter in Q-DM. It converts the foreign format into Q-DAS files and loads them in the database.
SAP QM-STI interface
Analyse the measured value information available in SAP
The "Statistical Data Interface (QM-STI)“ of SAP R/3's QM module helps you evaluate data that have already been saved in the SAP system in Q-DAS statistical software products. SAP transfers the data to be evaluated to Q-DAS via QM-STI interface. Now you use qs-STAT to start Q-DAS analyses.