Artificial intelligence / machine learning for enhanced engineering
Real-time solutions for engineering, manufacturing and quality.

Ready to get started?

ODYSSEE – Optimal Decision Support System for Engineering and Expertise
Want to reduce two months of work down to just one week?
This is the power of AI/ML applied to CAE simulation and production.
Hexagon's AI/ML solution, specifically designed for engineers, employs predictive techniques that can work effectively with small datasets (which make up about 10% of the data typically needed for traditional ML). As a result, engineers can avoid the challenges of generating large amounts of data, which is time-consuming and expensive. But we won't stop there - ODYSSEE is improving continuously as more techniques are incorporated into the learning models over time.
Challenges tackled with AI/ML

Overcome your challenges with ODYSSEE solutions

Perform CAE design space exploration to broaden your horizons
ODYSSEE CAE is an innovative platform for engineers that integrates machine learning, artificial intelligence, reduced order modelling, and design optimisation into workflows. It enables cost-efficient digital twin creation through real-time predictive modelling and optimisation by leveraging CAE simulation and physical test data. With minimal prior simulations, ODYSSEE CAE can quickly generate accurate results (with deformation, stresses, ...) and full-time history outputs.
Image based learning and prediction
ODYSSEE A-Eye is a machine learning solution for accelerating product design and development through image and CAD-based learning. Using images, CAD and sensor data as inputs, ODYSSEE A-Eye creates customised AI applications that predict output responses and field data. This enables designers and production technicians to explore the design space thoroughly and design next-generation products efficiently without excessive computing time and cost.
The powerful AI engine
ODYSSEE Solver includes the Artificial Intelligence engine Quasar and the optimiser Nova. Quasar is an object-oriented programming language that allows configurable computations for data mining, prediction, interpolation, classification, image processing, matrix operations etc. Quasar is the AI engine powering ODYSSEE products, and it is integrated into multiple Hexagon products:
- Cradle
- MSC Nastran through smart sub-modeling
- Adams through FMU
... and more ...

Data analysis and data mining managed by interactive dashboards
ODYSSEE Explore is an application for exploratory data analysis and data visualisation:
- Perform data preprocessing and feature engineering before using the data for machine learning.
- Visualise output responses and outliers.
ODYSSEE Capabilities
Learn more about ODYSSEE
Case studies
WebinarUsing ODYSSEE and Adams in suspension design
WebinarUsing Machine Learning To Make CFD Predictions
WebinarTaking advantage of Artificial Intelligence
WebinarHigh Value Automotive Applications from Applied ML
WebinarNavigating the AI/ML Landscape webinars
WebinarGet CFD results in real-time
WebinarUsing ML/ROM to Enable CAE, Manufacturing
WebinarHow to get acoustic performances using machine learning
WebinarIntegrative simulation workflows...
WebinarMachine Learning for Real-time CAE Simulations
WebinarReal Time Parametric Simulation using ODYSSEE
WebinarCombining Material Databases and AI
WebinarUsing AI to develop the aircraft of tomorrow