Available for the UK market, JAVELIN is a flexible, scalable and intelligent production planning and control system offering advanced functionality and value in the key areas of manufacturing and assembly.

Flexible and scalable
MRP and Production Control Software from JAVELIN provides intelligent and scalable solutions for your manufacturing needs.
Product capabilities
Features at a glance:
JAVELIN offers the following functionality:
Manufacturing Control
- MRP – At the heart of JAVELIN is a powerful MRP engine capable of balancing supply for any type of demand including Sales Orders, Forecast Sales, Master Production Schedule, and minimum stock levels. This enables control of stock and work-in-progress, and drives on-time delivery.
- Sales Order Processing – Ideal for both ‘make to order’ or ‘make to stock’ operations and covers everything from order entry through to picking, despatch and invoicing, including facilities for Sales EDI import, and Forecast/Call off orders.
- Works Orders – Control the progress of work through the manufacturing/assembly facility, with a full set of monitoring and tracking routines to ensure complete visibility of work-in-progress.
- Purchase Order Processing – Provides a comprehensive set of tools to ensure total control of purchasing functions within a manufacturing or assembly environment.
- Materials Control – Working with bill of materials structures of up to twenty levels, this core area provides fully traceable transaction history and full management of stored materials and manufactured stock, including perpetual inventory counting and full stock take routines.
Streamline Production
- Scheduling – Powerful ‘What if?’ finite and infinite scheduling capabilities. The same work load can be tested using varied scenarios and manufacturing rules, and facilities include graphical drag and drop planning board, priority escalation, cell scheduling, and a range of enquiries and graphs to monitor lateness and work centre loading.
- Shop Floor Data Capture – functions provide a comprehensive real-time shop floor interface for clocking in/out and starting/ending jobs, designed for barcode and touch screen input, providing up to date work-in-progress and costing data, while minimising administrative input and clerical errors.
New Business
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Facilitate key requirements of the important area of customer and prospect activity management, including activity logging, timeline flow through Opportunities, Quotations, Sales Orders and Despatch and Quoted Work Potential.
- Estimating and Quotations – Enables fully costed quotes and estimates to be generated for new or repeat work, taking into account material purchase quotations, existing planned costs, and variable batch sizes.
Business Information
- Costing – Powerful functionality provides users with facility for planned, actual, and contract costing including forecast cost to completion. Comprehensive output includes Planned vs Actual reporting for Cost of Sales, plus stock and work-in-progress valuation.
- User Interface – Efficient and easy-to-use Windows environment, incorporating advanced facilities to quickly access database information, including Export to Excel from all screens, direct to email for key outputs, and Task Scheduler for auto-triggering routines.
- Document Linking & Viewing – Link electronic files to key elements of JAVELIN data, for example CAD files to part records, release certificates to GRNs or drawings to purchase orders.
- System Output – A comprehensive suite of enquiries and reports, together with dashboards, ensures you have important manufacturing KPI information at your fingertips.
- Accounts Interface – Supports interfaces to the leading accounts packages, protecting investment in existing systems and can be easily integrated with new peripheral systems.
- API – Application interface to allow third party software input for time and attendance and purchase invoice matching.
- Hexagon Software Interfaces – links to products such as RADAN and RADQUOTE.