What's new in AM STUDIO 2024.1

The 2024.1 release of AM STUDIO brings few highlights:

Enhanced 3D View
The enhanced 3D view with object shadows in our update offers improved spatial perception, aiding in accurate object placement and orientation due to the realistic shadow visualization and enhanced depth perception.
Enhanced 3D View

The new algorithm in our latest update enables users to define nested configurations of selected components as mandatory for patterning. It optimizes space utilization in the build area, minimizing waste and maximizing productivity. Users can now create more complex and customized patterns, offering flexibility to cater to varying manufacturing needs.
Nesting Patterning

Our latest update introduces multicore simulation, accelerating simulation runtimes by leveraging additional CPU cores (up to 4), reducing computation time for a faster and more efficient design process.
Our new feature simulates the separation of a component from the build plate before heat treatment, allowing users to preemptively assess and mitigate potential thermal stress-induced distortions during the process, thus enhancing the accuracy and integrity of their designs.