

We are committed to corporate responsibility.

At Hexagon, we have a high ethical standard in the way we conduct business.  Our commitment to corporate responsibility and integrity guides what we do as a company and defines the work of our ethics and compliance programme. 

Hexagon’s robust Ethics & Compliance System is intended to strengthen compliance, prevent and detect potential violations of applicable laws. It is a comprehensive system of compliance policies, procedures, programmes, and other measures overseen by experienced professionals for managing applicable compliance risks associated with Hexagon businesses and suppliers.


Hexagon's Ethics & Compliance Programme

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Our Code of Conduct explains our approach to ethical business practices. Learn how we stay compliant, forthright and sustainable in our communications and actions.

Supplier Code of Conduct

We hold our vendors and partners to the highest ethical standards. Our Supplier Code of Conduct makes our expectations clear.

Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

We have zero tolerance for corruption in any form. Discover our principles along with conduct we prohibit and how we approach third-party payments and gifts.

Trade Export Compliance Programme

As a global company, we comply with trade laws in each country we do business. Our Trade Export Compliance Programme summarises how we comply with export laws.

Ethics and Compliance Reporting System

We ask every Hexagon employee to report any non-compliant behavior they see, and we invite every Hexagon stakeholder to do the same. Explore our Ethics and Compliance Reporting System.

Additional policies