Annual Report 2006

16 April 2007

2006 in brief

  • The 2006 financial year was a successful period, with high growth and more than a doubling of pre-tax earnings.
  • Scanlaser AB of Sweden, Scanlaser AS of Norway and Mikrofyn A/S of Denmark were acquired in order to enhance Hexagon's market position in the rapidly growing machine automation segment.
  • Net sales increased to MSEK 13,469 (9,637), corresponding to organic growth of 12 per cent.
  • Earnings before tax increased by 130 per cent to MSEK 1,618 (705).
  • Earnings per share increased by 60 per cent to SEK 15.03 (9.42).
  • The share price increased by 35 per cent, and was SEK 292 (217) at year-end.
  • The Board of Directors proposes that the dividend be increased to SEK 5.00 (3.00) per share. If last year's new issue is taken into account, the 2005 dividend was SEK 2.75.
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