An offer to all shareholders in Koverta AB

8 June 1998

An offer to all shareholders in Konverta AB having share holdings in Hexagon AB,
being the equivalent of 38% of the number of votes per share
On the initiative of Torbjörn Ek and other major shareholders in Konverta, an offer has been
made today by Melker Schörling (via the company) for the acquisition of all shares in
The Board of Konverta has unanimously recommended the shareholders to accept the offer.
Subject to the offer receiving the necessary acceptance, Melker Schörling will retain 70% of
the shares in Konverta, and the remaining 30 % will be owned by Sven Ohlsson, Maths O
Sundqvist and Börje Andersson.
Torbjörn Ek is the Managing Director of Konverta and Chairman of the Board of Hexagon.
He will shortly celebrate his 65th birthday and has announced that he would like to relinquish
the position of Managing Director in the Autumn as well as the position as Chairman in
Hexagon as from the Annual General Meeting in the Spring of 1999. Sven Ohlsson will be
nominated as the new Chairman of Hexagon.
Melker Schörling and the other parties intend that Konverta shall:
- continue to be a solid and long term owner of Hexagon and, by virtue of their activity on
the Board, will contribute to the realisation of their strategic objective – Vision 2000
- develop Konverta to encompass additional commitments where the experience of the
company and the expertise within the company’s development can be utilised
In a statement Torbjörn Ek said:
“For me it is important that any questions of succession in companies are resolved with great
care, both when it comes to the principal ownership and to management. Konverta is facing a
new phase of its development. It should be managed by someone who can accept sustainable
responsibility. I am delighted that with Melker Schörling at the helm of a competent and
experienced ‘quartet’ of owners we have found a perfect solution for the future ownership of
Landskrona 8 June 1998
Börje Andersson
Managing Director
For further information please contact:
Torbjörn Ek, telephone +46 8 13 68 81
Börje Andersson, telephone +46 418 44 92 00
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