On-Demand Webinar Series:
Navigating the AI/ML Landscape in Modern Engineering
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Exploring the Fusion of AI/ML and Modern Engineering
We are pleased to offer the on-demand version of our enlightening webinar series, "Navigating the AI/ML Landscape in Modern Engineering". Aimed at exploring the critical role of AI/ML in modern engineering practices, each session offered deep insights into distinct aspects of this intriguing field.
- Understanding AI/ML: Predictive vs Generative Models
This session delves into the unique roles and applications of predictive and generative models within the AI/ML paradigm, aiding decision-making on the choice of models based on context and requirements. - Leveraging Image-Based Engineering and Its Applications
This webinar casts light on image-based engineering, its value, utilization, and practical applications in solving complex engineering problems and fostering innovation. - The Intersection of AI/ML, Optimization and Reliability
Understand how AI/ML techniques, when blended with optimization and reliability principles, can craft resilient and robust engineering solutions. - The Crucial Role of Feature Extraction in AI/ML
Experience a deep dive into the essential role of feature extraction in AI/ML, how it influences the performance of predictive models, and the strategies for effective implementation. - Mastering Forecasting Models: ARIMA, LSTM, DMD
Get a comprehensive understanding of popular forecasting models ARIMA, LSTM, DMD and learn how to leverage these models in practical forecasting situations.
Throughout the series, the practical applications were demonstrated using the innovative software tool - ODYSSEE. For more details about ODYSSEE, visit the ODYSSEE Webpage.
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