Tool setters
Constant production quality requires the use of reliable accurate tooling. One vital requirement is precise tool data. m&h Tool Setters for tool measurement detect tool length and tool radius directly on the machine. The data is automatically transferred to the tool table of the control.

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These m&h tool setters for tool measurement detect tool length and radius directly on the machine.
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The IRT35.70 infrared tool setter for milling machines and machining centres enables variable positioning of the tool setter.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
The TS35.20 tool setter is designed for use on milling and machining centres and is used to determine tool geometries
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
The TS35.30 tool setter is designed for use on milling and machining centres and is suitable for small and delicate tools.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection