Hexagon Vehicle Intervention System

Mining’s first Level-9 collision avoidance technology, Hexagon Vehicle Intervention System automatically takes control of the propulsion system of the truck in defined situations if the operator fails to do so.


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Main benefits

Protect people and equipment

Prevent incidents, injuries and fatalities by ensuring safety rules are followed with an additional layer of collision avoidance protection.

Counter fatigue, distraction

Avoid accidents caused by fatigue or distraction with a system that takes control of a machine if the operator does not react appropriately.

Your first and last resort

Enhance your safety response with a vehicle intervention system that seamlessly integrates with market-leading collision avoidance system.

A proven vehicle intervention system for safer mines

Collisions involving equipment concern all mining operations. These incidents can result in costly damage, downtime for repairs and production losses. Severe incidents can involve injuries and even fatalities.

Hexagon Vehicle Intervention System (VIS) is a Level-9 system that takes control of the propulsion system of the truck in defined situations if the operator does not react appropriately to a warning from Hexagon OP Collision Avoidance System or Hexagon OP Operator Alertness System. This is a last resort to mitigate the consequences of a collision.

VIS automatically applies the following functions to the truck, depending on situation and implementation. The operator is always warned by the system prior to intervention by both audio and visual notification.

  • Forward Propel Inhibit
  • Reverse Propel Inhibit
  • Dump Body Up Inhibit
  • Dynamic Retarder Application
  • Service Brakes Application

VIS is an important step in the trend towards human-assist products and is the only system that offers a building-block approach to preventing accidents by both alerting and assisting drivers.

Mining’s first Level-9 collision avoidance technology

Level 9 means VIS automatically takes control of the propulsion system of the truck in defined situations if the operator does not react appropriately to the warning provided by Hexagon OP Collision Avoidance System.

Proven technology and compliant with safety regulations

VIS was subjected to more than 10,000 testing hours in a working mine before launch in 2017 and has been operating effectively ever since. VIS is fully compliant with government rules: South Africa’s DMR safety regulations on all trackless mobile machinery, for example.

Easy to install and quick to configure

VIS is fully integrated with Hexagon OP Collision Avoidance System, using the same sensors and user interface, thus protecting your initial investment. It’s also a valuable first step in the building-block trend towards human-assist products.

12 ways to improve mine safety

Safety’s too important for partial solutions. Learn how we’re connecting autonomous ecosystems to address risks, minimize nuisance alarms and get everyone home safely.

Vehicle Intervention explained

Learn more about VIS, a vehicle intervention system that detects and prevents collisions by automatically slowing down or even stopping a haul truck if an imminent collision is detected.

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Serious about safety in the mine

Find out more about how VIS fits into a comprehensive mine safety portfolio offering collision avoidance, operator alertness, personal protection and slope monitoring.

Demonstrating the vehicle intervention system

Join autonomous expert, Fabien Kritter for a demo of VIS, the world’s first Level-9 system to automatically take control of the propulsion system of the truck in defined situations if the operator fails to do so.

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