자원 관리

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Hexagon의 리소스 관리 솔루션을 사용하면 프로젝트 관리자가 미리 포맷된 리소스 내역을 생성하여 팀이 속도, 위치 및 기술과 같은 리소스 속성 간의 계층을 유지할 수 있습니다. 병목현상 분석과 같은 분석 기능을 통해 중요한 작업을 적절하게 리소스화할 수 있습니다.

Key Benefits

Plan and track resources across the enterprise. Produce accurate resource, cost and schedule forecasts. EcoSys enables:

Resource optimisation

Create and manage plans and scenarios to balance capacity with demand.

Strategic alignment

Utilize resources on projects most aligned to business strategy and goals.


Manage demand using integrated estimates, project plans, forecasts and performance.


EcoSys’ out-of-the-box capability supports resource management functionality within the same software used to manage and control project and portfolio costs, changes and performance. This helps optimise resources and identify idle time across your enterprise.

  • Develop detailed resource plans based on capacity, capability and availability.
  • Create resource breakdown structures to maintain and prioritise resource attributes such as rates, location and skills.
  • Allocate resources in accordance with business goals and priorities.
  • Analyze and manage resources to prevent under- and over-utilisation.
  • Use resource performance benchmarks during estimate creation and to monitor progress during execution.
  • Ensure all stakeholders are involved in the request, evaluation, balancing and assignment process.
  • Perform bottleneck analysis to ensure critical tasks are resourced properly.
  • Develop detailed demand plans whether by resource type or named resource.
  • Create and manage resource requests through an easy-to-use portal with approval workflows.
  • Accurately forecast future resource requirements using innovative progress and forecasting methods.

All this ensures you have the resources when and where they’re needed to keep projects running smoothly.

The power of integration

Integrated resource management drives performance

It’s the resources that turn business strategies into reality. EcoSys gives you direct access to resource demand and utilisation across all portfolios, programs and projects. Develop resource capacity plans quickly. Allocate and optimise resources based on project plans and forecasts. Monitor progress and measure performance at the project level to identify potential changes needed to keep projects on track. Built-in reports and dashboards enable early identification of problem areas and bottlenecks.

When availability issues arise or changes occur, rapidly adjust capacity or demand plans. Ensure projects have the resources when and where they’re needed to avoid delays.

Other highlights:

  • Automatically leverage data from design, engineering, procurement, construction and asset management systems.
  • Integrate resource management with project scheduling to ensure projects are adequately resourced.
  • Connect with HRIS systems to automatically update resource data.


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