QUINDOS Miscellaneous Options

QUINDOS - 3차원 측정 소프트웨어

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특수 파트에 대한 선택 사양에 더하여 측정 소프트웨어인 QUINDOS는 또한 팔렛트 측정, 오프라인 프로그래밍 및 2D 베스트 피트 등등의 보다 강화된 기능들을 제공합니다. 이렇게 지원되는 선택 사양들은 다른 측정 소프트웨어 패키지와 비교하여 QUINDOS를 보다 강력하고 기술적으로 뛰어난 소프트웨어로 만들어 줍니다. QUINDOS는 측정 소프트웨어 이상의 것을 보여줍니다. QUINDOS는 철학입니다!

Operations on 2D and 3D curves. Radius correction, Actual-Nominal comparison, 2D and 3D best fit operations. Generation of nominal curves for given mathematical formulas. Incl. VDAFS interface for data exchange with CAD systems. 

QUINDOS 2D Gauging
2D Gauge simulation of hole patterns with up to 2 datums, incl. MMC and different tolerances.

QUINDOS Measurement of Part Pallets
Inspection of a large number of same or different parts, put on a fixture.
Increases drastically the throughput and utilization of a 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine.

QUINDOS Feature Based Inspection
Free selection of measurements (features) within a part program, in any order. QUINDOS automatically generates the moving path for the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) to reach the feature(s) selected. Increased throughput due to reduced measuring and programming time, in particular for complex parts such as cylinder heads etc.

QUINDOS Digital Input/Output Interface
Use of up to 16 digital I/O channels to control external devices such as fixtures, light signals as well as programmable controls. Required for integration of a 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine into an automated part transport system or into a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). Not included is special hardware and its programming.

QUINDOS Automatic Gauge Inspection
Inspection of gauges in accordance with VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 on ultra high accuracy Coordinate Measuring Machines. Valid for Plug gauges, Snap gauges, Go and No Go ring gauges and master gauges. This option requires a gauge fixturing system by Hexagon Metrology which is not included.

QUINDOS CMM Test with Ball Blade
Verification of a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) by measuring a calibrated ball plate, according to VDI/VDE 2617, part 5. Requires a standard ball plate, certified by PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt).

QUINDOS CMM Error Simulation (Virtual CMM)
Calculation of the error range of a 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine for every feature of a part measuring program.
A QUINDOS part program can be executed off-line. Based on the CMMs probing error "P" the error budget for every feature measured is calculated. A new, powerful tool in coordinate metrology.

QUINDOS Offline Programming
Offline programming of parts, statistical evaluations, writing of plots etc. on a separate PC for increased throughput on the Coordinate Measuring Machine. Note: The user needs to have at least one Online license of QUINDOS.

QUINDOS Statistics
Interactive graphics-guided statistics, computes all basic statistical values, like X-bar, R, S, min, max, cpk, etc. Display of histograms, probability net and production spread.
Tests on distributions and outliers. Included are Quality Control Charts, Machine Capability Test, Trend Analysis and Export of data via qs-STAT and CIMMY / QSWE formats.

QUINDOS Statistical Feature Overview
Bar chart view of single features before saving the statistical data.
Then the data can be saved in the related statistic data base.
The qs-stat output is certified by Q-DAS!

The graphical evaluations of qs-STAT of Q-DAS can be recalled directly from the QUINDOS interface. A certified qs-STAT interface enables you to write data for further statistical evaluations into a file.
Transfer of measurement data into the qs-STAT data base.

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