Adams machinery
기계적인 구동 시스템에 적합한 강력한 시뮬레이션 제품군
성능, 안전성, 쾌적함이 향상된 설계 개선안을 도출하기 위한 운동, 구조, 구동 제어 등이 연계된 복잡한 시스템에 대한 평가 및 관리 가능
설계 초기단계에서 기계 부품 및 시스템에 대한 가상 시제품을 구축해, 물리적인 시제품을 만들기 이전에 다양한 가상의 시험을 수행할 수 있습니다. 이러한 새로운 솔루션을 통해서, 기계 제조업체는 시제품의 숫자를 줄이고, 설계 기간을 단축하고 목표 성능을 달성하는 시간을 단축할 수 있게 됩니다.
Adams/Machinery는 Adams/View 환경에 완전히 통합됩니다. 다양한 생성 모듈들을 포함하고 있어서 Adams/View의 표준 기능만을 이용해 기능을 구현할 때보다 훨씬 빠른 시간 내에 기계 부품에 대한 모델을 생성할 수 있습니다.
사용의 편리성
Adams의 리본메뉴 환경과 모델 브라우저는 비숙련 해석자의 경우에도 완전하고 정교한 기계적인 모델을 쉽게 생성할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 핵심 패키지 (Adams/View, Adams/Solver, and Adams/PostProcessor)는 대부분의 주요 CAD 시스템으로부터 모양을 가져올 수 있고, 기계 시스템의 솔리드 모델을 처음부터 구축할 수 있습니다. 시스템의 구축 방법도 실제 시스템의 경우와 동일합니다. 즉, 부품을 만들어 조립하고 그것을 연결형상에 맞추어서 연결하고 움직임을 정의하는 힘을 가하여 가상의 시스템을 생성합니다.

높은 생산성
Adams/Machinery는 자동 형상 생성이나 서브시스템 연결 등의 전처리를 통해서 효율적으로 사용자를 안내해 일반적인 기계 부품을 효율적으로 생성할 수 있게 도와줍니다. 또한, 사용자가 필요한 자동화된 그래프 생성이나 보고서 작성 등의 후처리 기능을 통해 생산성을 향상시켜줍니다.
The Adams model has subsequently been used to perform an extensive parameter study to find the root cause and solutions to the observed gear resonance.”
- Christina Exner Manager, Achates Power
Gears module
The Gears module is designed for engineers who need to predict the impact of the design and behavior of gear pairs, such as Gear ratio, backlash prediction, on the overall system performance.
- Choose the gear type with the selection of Spur Gear (Internal/External), Helical Gear (Internal/External), Bevel Gear (Straight and Spiral), Hypoid Gear, Worm Gear and Rack & Pinion Gear
- Apply Contact modeling method to study the backlash based on actual working centre distance and tooth thickness
- Create the planetary gear set by using the planetary gear wizard
- Generate the gear-specific output in the post-processor
- Use automated model parameterization as reference to perform design exploration
Belts module
The Belts module is designed for engineers who need to predict the impact of the design and dynamic behavior of pulley-belt systems, such as transmission ratio, tension and load prediction, compliance studies, or belt dynamics, on the overall system performance.
- Choose the belt type with the selection of Poly-V Grooved belt, Trapezoidal Toothed belt and Smooth belt
- Apply 2D Links modeling method to calculate the contact forces between the segments and pulleys when the axis of rotation is parallel to one of the global axes
- Use Geometry settings to define the location and geometric parameters of your pulleys
- Apply tensioner pulley to the belt system to take up the extra slack and control the routing of the belt
- Use actuation wizard to apply force or motion to any pulley in the belt system
Chains module
The Chains module is designed for engineers who need to predict the impact of the design and behavior of chain systems, such as drive ratio, tension, contact forces or chain dynamics, on the overall system performance.
The detailed fidelity options include:
- Choose the chain type with the selection of roller chain and silent chain
- Apply 2D Links modeling method to calculate the contact forces between the links and sprockets when the axis of rotation is parallel to one of the global axes
- Apply Linear, Non-linear or Advanced compliance to the roller chain
- Apply Pivot, Translational or Fixed guides to the chain system
- Use actuation wizard to apply force or motion to any sprocket in the chain system
Bearings module
This module is for engineers who need to predict the impact of the design and behavior of rolling-element bearings on overall system performance. This includes an accurate representation of the bearing stiffness, sensitive to internal dimensions, offsets, misalignments, and clearances.
- Choose from 14 different rolling-element bearing types
- Look up bearing parameter values from a library of over 24,000 off-the-shelf bearings and/or input values directly
- Calculate bearing reaction forces, optionally leveraging a nonlinear stiffness response from embedded technology delivered by KISSsoft, an MSC Software partner
- Select from over 120 oil- and grease-based bearing lubricants
- Predict the bearing service life (under the specified simulation conditions) based on industry standards sensitive to the loading, lubrication, speed, and bearing geometry
Cable module
This module is designed for engineers to easily model and analyze cable based transmission systems. Module highlights are as follows.
- Precisely compute the cable vibration and cable tension
- Predict the load history of pulleys to perform fatigue analysis
- Analyze the impact of cable slippage on system load performance
- Study the effect of cable compliance on the system output speed
- Study the winching effects in terms of the addition and removal of cable length from the system
- Define the pulley properties in terms of dimensions, contact parameters and materials
- Define the preloading, density, Young’s Modulus, stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient to get the accurate cable outputs
Electric motors module
The new Adams/Machinery Electric Motor Module enables engineers to represent electric motors with more sophistication and ease than via simple kinematic motions or via potentially complicated self-authored torque functions or subroutines.
- Choose different modeling method for different applications
- Select from DDC (Shunt or Series), DC Brushless, Stepper and AC Synchronous motors using analytical method
- Apply external method by which the motor torque is defined by either Easy5 or MATLAB Simulink
- Calculate necessary motor sizing
- Predict impact of motor torque on system
- Perform precise position control
- Get a realistic drive signal for the rest of the machine components
Cam module
The new Adams/Machinery Cam module contains features to aid the creation of cam-follower systems. These systems may comprise various combinations of cam shapes, follower motions, follower arrangements and follower geometry.
- Create cam model much faster than before
- Make mechanism motion and cam profile design changes more easily
- Choose different cam shapes: disk, cylindrical (barrel) and single sided grooved
- Generate cam profile using existing follower motion
- Create a follower motion that is either time based or cam angle based
- Optimize the motion function to minimize or maximize acceleration or jerk in a more automated way.