Why Choose QUINDOS?
Learn how QUINDOS integrates into complex manufacturing projectsModular flexibility
Choose from a wide range of modules to build precise measurement applications. Design your application and customise the UI for your machine operators.
Programming power
Highly programmable for the most complex geometries, QUINDOS offers structured programming and the option to build a custom command library with UI support.
Offline simulation
Use I++ Simulator to develop and test complex programming offline. Perfect your measurement routines in a virtual environment to reduce the risk of error.
QUINDOS Basicライセンスは、クランクケースやギアボックスなどの標準的な部品の測定に必要な機能を全て含んでいます。
×人間支援型 autonomy幾つかの測定ルーチンのプログラミング機能の自動化。
What’s new in QUINDOS
Find out what’s new in QUINDOS – professional, programmable metrology software