
Delivering solutions to maintain up-to-date design, engineering and operational data within shipbuilding and marine operations.

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Повышение эффективности

Использование возможностей, предоставляемых данными, для цифровой трансформации судостроительной отрасли.

Готовы узнать, как возможности Hexagon могут расширить возможности вашего бизнеса?

Чрезмерная зависимость от устаревших процессов и систем не позволяет судостроителям идти в ногу с изменениями в отрасли. Благодаря цифровизации и автоматизации Hexagon помогает отрасли улучшить проектирование, исполнение и устойчивость на каждом этапе строительства судов.

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Industrial facilities
By introducing greater levels of data integration and automation, shipyards achieve dramatic improvements in process efficiency, productivity and decision-making across the project lifecycle — from the design phase to fabrication and construction to final handover.

Design phase

Transform the project vision with Hexagon’s design and engineering software that is the gold standard for precision and ease of use.

Plan phase

Capture an exact digital twin of a site’s existing conditions, features and precise location to facilitate digital design concepts that drive efficiencies and reduce waste throughout the asset lifecycle.

Build phase

Orchestrate a construction project that is a model of productivity and efficiency — achieving the highest quality while avoiding rework and waste.

Operate and maintain phase

Leverage data from the planning, design and build phases to create an operational twin that connects people, processes and events throughout the entire industrial facility lifecycle.

Spanning the complete lifecycle of discrete manufacturing, Hexagon solutions enable shipbuilders to learn and adapt quickly to changing conditions in real time — pursuing perfect quality with optimised design, requiring fewer inputs and producing minimal waste.

Design and engineering phase

With Hexagon’s innovations in manufacturing technology, users can digitally simulate and optimise product design and engineering to ensure component manufacturability, production productivity and output quality.

Inspection phase

Automate and digitalise quality measurement with our world-leading metrology hardware and software, creating a bridge between the real and digital worlds.