Sisteme de palpare cu infraroșu m&h
Palpatoarele cu infraroșu m&h sunt palpatoare cu declanșare prin contact. La contactul cu suprafața piesei prelucrate palpatorul se retrage și un semnal de declanșare este transmis la receptor prin lumina infraroșie. Transmiterea semnalului fără interferențe între senzor și receptor este indispensabilă pentru un proces de măsurare precis al mașinilor-unelte.

Explorați sistemele de palpare cu infraroșu
Palpatoare cu declanșare prin contact și infraroșu pentru măsurare în proces direct pe mașina-unealtă.
Cerere De Produs
The IRP25.50 bidirectional probe has a modular structure enabling use of various measuring units, extensions and cross-probes
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
Thanks to its compact and robust design, the IRP40.02 touch probe can be used for applications in extremely limited spaces.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
The IRP25.50-TP temperature probe measures workpiece temperature before and during machining for greater process control.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
The IRP40.42 is an infrared touch probe designed for on-machine measurement of sensitive materials and fragile workpieces.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
The IRP40.50 ultrasmall infrared probe is ideal for on-machine measurement in small machining centres.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
The IRR91.42 receives measurement and temperature data, and can communicate with infrared probes and infrared tool setters.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection
The IRR91.50 bidirectional infrared receiver can simultaneously communicate with two probing systems on the same machine.
×Partial autonomyAutomated execution and analysis of machine tool inspection