Lopetetut tuotteet
Huoltoa ja tukea on saatavilla sekä lopetetuille tuotteille että edelleen tarjottaville tuotteille Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligencen myynnistä ja huollosta.
Jatkuvasta tutkimuksesta ja kehityksestä johtuen Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligencen tarjonta kehittyy koko ajan. Välillä vanhemmat mallit poistuvat valikoimasta ja tilalle tulee uusia innovaatioita paremmilla ominaisuuksilla. Tähän on listattu lopetetut tuotteet Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence valikoimasta ja niille vastaava tai korvaava tuote. Huoltoa ja tukea on saatavilla sekä lopetetuille tuotteille että edelleen tarjottaville tuotteille Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligencen myynnistä ja huollosta.
AICON TubeInspect
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product TubeInspect S / HS / HD TubeInspect TubeInspect-Software BendingStudio XT Software MoveInspect + BendingStudio Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600
Coordinate measuring machines
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product Brown & Sharpe Gage 2000 / Reflex / Microval / Micro-Hite 3D / Micro Xcel/ Mistral / Validator Absolute Arm, 4.5.4 SF, 7.10.7 SF Brown & Sharpe Image GLOBAL Touch+, GLOBAL Scan+, GLOBAL Optics, GLOBAL Speed Brown & Sharpe Micro-Hite DCC Shop Floor CMMs Brown & Sharpe Gage DCC / 4.5.4 SF 4.5.4 SF Brown & Sharpe Xcel / Xcel UHA / Chameleon / Chameleon UHA / MicroXcel PFX / MicroXcel UHA PFX / Mistral / Validator GLOBAL Touch+, GLOBAL Scan+, GLOBAL Optics, GLOBAL Speed Brown & Sharpe PCR / Micro PCR / One 4.5.4 SF, 7.10.7 SF Brown & Sharpe GLOBAL eXtra GLOBAL eXtra Brown & Sharpe PCR sheet metal TORO Brown & Sharpe Steifelmeyer Horizontal formula 2000 / 3000 TORO DEA Micro-Hite 3D Portable Measuring Arms DEA Micro-Hite DCC Shop Floor CMMs DEA PIONEER PIONEER DEA GLOBAL Classic GLOBAL Classic DEA GLOBAL Performance / Advantage / SF GLOBAL Touch+, GLOBAL Scan+, GLOBAL Optics, GLOBAL Speed DEA GLOBAL eXtra GLOBAL eXtra DEA ONE 4.5.4 SF, 7.10.7 SF DEA MICRA GLOBAL Lite DEA Beta DEA Alpha, DEA Delta DEA Epsilon / Gamma / Ghibli / Iota / Mistal / FDG / Omega / Scirocco / Swift / Typhoon GLOBAL Touch+, GLOBAL Scan+, GLOBAL Optics, GLOBAL Speed DEA Vento TORO DEA ALPHA 2.0 ALPHA 2.0 DEA DELTA SLANT DELTA SLANT DEA LAMBDA SP LAMBDA SP DEA TRACER / TRACER Horizontal Arm CMMs DEA BRAVO Console /BRAVO Console Horizontal Arm CMMs DEA BRAVO HA BRAVO HD, BRAVO HP DEA BRAVO HD / BRAVO HD Horizontal Arm CMMs DEA BRAVO HP BRAVO HP DEA MERCURY / MERCURY Horizontal Arm CMMs DEA MERCURY FX MERCURY FX DEA TORO TORO BRAVO HA BRAVO HD, BRAVO HP Micro-Hite 3D Portable Measuring Arms Micro-Hite DCC Shop Floor CMMs Endeavor 3, Endeavor 3 Plus GLOBAL Touch+, GLOBAL Scan+, GLOBAL Optics, GLOBAL Speed Sheffield Apollo / Endeavor / ENDEAVOR 2 / Cordax 1805 / Cordax 1808M, M2, MQ, MH, MM GLOBAL Touch+, GLOBAL Scan+, GLOBAL Optics, GLOBAL Speed Sheffield DISCOVERY 4.5.4 SF Sheffield Discovery II 4.5.4 SF, 7.10.7 SF Sheffield Discovery III 7.10.7 SF Sheffield Mirco-Hite 3D Portable Measuring Arms Sheffield PIONEER PIONEER GLOBAL Performance / EVO / S / Advantage GLOBAL Touch+, GLOBAL Scan+, GLOBAL Optics, GLOBAL Speed GLOBAL eXtra Bridge CMMs Leitz Reference Xi / HP / ULTRA / XE Leitz Reference Precision Leitz SIRIO Xi / SX / BX Leitz Reference Flexibility OPTIV Lite 3.2.2 / Classic 3.2.2 OPTIV M 3.2.2 Vision+ OPTIV Classic 4.3.2 OPTIV M 4.4.3 Vision+ OPTIV Performance Multisensor and optical CMMs
Portable measuring arms
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product Axila Flex / Omega / Sigma Absolute Arm ROMER Flex / Omega / Sigma / ScanShark Absolute Arm ROMER S6 Series Arm / 1000 Series Arm / 3000i Absolute Arm ROMER Stinger / Stinger II / Stinger 2i Absolute Arm ROMER Infinite / Infinite 2.0
Absolute Arm
ROMER MultiGage / Absolute Arm Compact
Absolute Arm Compact
ROMER Absolute Arm / Absolute Arm with integrated scanner / Absolute Arm with external scanner
Absolute Arm
Sheffield Omega Absolute Arm Cimcore Infinite / 2.0 Infinite Absolute Arm Brown & Sharpe Gage 2000a Absolute Arm CIMCORE ARM / ARM with integratedscanner / ARM with external scanner Absolute Arm Absolute Arm with RS6 laser scanner Absolute Arm with TubeShaper Absolute Arm with BendingStudio XT
Laser tracker systems
Discontinued product Alternative / replacement product Leica Absolute Tracker AT401 / AT402 / AT403
Leica Absolute Tracker AT901
Leica Absolute Tracker AT901-B
Leica Absolute Tracker AT901-LR
Leica Absolute Tracker AT901-MR
Leica LT300 / LT500 / LT600 / LT640
Leica LTD500 / LTD600 / LTD640
Leica LTD700 / Leica LTD70x
Leica LTD800 / Leica LTD840
Leica Smart 310
Laser scanners
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product Perceptron ScanWorks V5 forROMER / V4i forROMER HP-L Laser Scanners Leica T-Scan TS50 Laser Scanning Solutions RS6 Laser Scanner Absolute Scanner AS1
White light scanner systems
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product Cognitens Optigo 200 / Opticell / WLS400M WLS400A Structured Light Scanner WLS qFLASH Structured Light Scanner WLS400A / WLS400M Structured Light Scanner Lightrunner Structured Light Scanner Blaze 600M / Blaze 600A Structured Light Scanner 360° Cell Laser Tracker Automation RS-SQUARED Area Scanner Structured Light Scanner
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product ROMER DOCS / G-Tube BendingStudio XT Single Touch Interface INSPECT PC-DMIS Touch PC-DMIS G-PAD PC-DMIS CoreView Software for structured light scanners DCP Solutions for Leica Absolute Tracker AT401/2/3 Software for laser scanners DataPage+ SPC Q-DAS m&h NC Gage HxGN NC Gage -
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product TESASTAR-v / TESASTAR-e Probe heads TESASTAR-p sensors / TESASTAR-mp sensors Non-contact sensors HP-S-X3T Scanning Probe / Leitz Scanning Probe Head LSP-X1m Tactile scanning sensors CMS laser scanning sensors / HP-L-20.8 / HP-L-10.6 Non-contact sensors HP-C-Ve Vision Sensor HP-C Vision Sensor TESASTAR-pr racks Sensors, probe and styli changers EYE-D Accessories for CMMs Leica B-Probe Leica B-Probeplus
AICON scanners and photogrammetry
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product SmartScan R5 over FireWire with 13 FOV SmartScan PrimeScan R2 / R5 750 / R5 1000 / R8 500 / R8 800 PrimeScan MoveInspect HF4 / XR8 Photogrammetry
Industrial theodolites and laser stations
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product Leica TDRA6000 Laser Station Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600 Leica TM5100A Leica TM6100A Industrial Theodolite
Profile and surface measurement
Discontinued Product Alternative / Replacement Product OSIRIS Hot / Cold Steel profile surface and flatness measurement FMG Steel profile surface and flatness measurement Vision System 2D Absolute Arm 7-Axis Vision System 3D Absolute Arm 7-Axis