Infrared Touch Probe IRP40.42

Low trigger forces and small styli balls for measuring delicate applications



The infrared touch probe IRP40.42 has been specially designed for measuring sensitive materials and thin, fragile workpiece geometries within harsh machine tool environments. The IRP40.42 combines the strengths of the IRP40.02 touch probe with a highly versatile touch trigger probe developed by Hexagon for taking fast, repeatable measurements on coordinate measuring devices.

The trigger forces of the IRP40.42 remain consistently low even at higher probing speeds and greater stylus overtravel, protecting your sensitive workpieces from damage. The IRP40.42 has a repeatability of 2 Sigma 1 μm and can be equipped with styli and stylus balls as small as 0.2 mm.

A robust design means it can operate efficiently under extreme accelerations, high positioning speeds, constant vibrations, hard tool changes and increased temperatures. And its compact size makes it suitable for use within an extremely limited inspection space. 


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