Asset Lifecycle Information Management (ALIM)

Asset Lifecycle Information Management (ALIM) is a strategic cornerstone for plant designers and owners pursuing advanced decision support capabilities to optimize global design, production and plant lifecycle management.

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What is ALIM?

ALIM systematically and strategically manages data, information and documentation associated with assets throughout their lifecycle, spanning all stages including creation, utilisation, maintenance and retirement. This holistic approach provides organisations a comprehensive asset view, facilitating informed decision-making, operational efficiency improvements and cost-effective asset management.

Asset lifecycle information management involves processes and systems used to capture, store, organise and leverage information related to the entire lifespan of assets within an organisation. Components typically include:

  1. Data Capture: Manually and/or automatically (e.g., sensors, systems) collecting data from sources (e.g., purchase orders, maintenance records, inspection reports) is vital for informed decision-making and comprehensive asset management. It ensures accurate insights, optimises operations and enhances overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

  2. Data Storage: Storing asset-related data is essential for quick, easy access and retrieval throughout an asset's lifecycle. Data is stored via databases, cloud-based solutions and/or specialised software.

  3. Data Organisation: Effective organisation of asset data is necessary for easy retrieval and analysis. Data is categorised based on asset type, location, maintenance history or customised criteria.

  4. Asset Identification and Tracking: Each asset having a unique identifier (e.g., barcodes, radio-frequency identification tags, serial numbers) is vital for precise location monitoring, status tracking and accurate historical records. It ensures efficient asset management, minimises errors and facilitates timely decision-making for optimal operational performance.

  5. Maintenance Records: Keeping detailed maintenance records (e.g., scheduled maintenance, repairs, replacements, associated costs), enables tracking of the health and performance of assets.

  6. Compliance and Regulations: Ensuring assets adhere to industry regulations and safety standards is vital; as is the documentation of compliance efforts and inspection results.

  7. Work Orders and Requests: Systematically recording and monitoring work orders and service requests related to assets helps prioritise maintenance tasks, ensuring optimal asset condition and timely service responses.

  8. Cost Management: Managing the costs (e.g., purchase, maintenance expenses, depreciation, disposal) associated with assets ensures financial efficiency and sustainability throughout their lifecycles.

  1. Analytics and Reporting: Offers insights into performance, cost trends and improvement areas, facilitating informed decision-making, optimising asset management and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

  2. Integration with Other Systems: The seamless integration of ALIM systems with other business-critical systems, such as enterprise resource planning software, ensures smooth data sharing and allows for comprehensive and unified information flow across organisational platforms.

  3. Asset Retirement and Disposal: Managing the end-of-life process for assets, including decisions about disposal, recycling or decommissioning, requires proper documentation essential for compliance and environmental responsibility.

  4. Security and Access Control: Ensuring data integrity and preventing risks (like data breaches) requires protecting asset data from unauthorised access and implementing encryption measures, ensuring overall asset security.

  5. Mobile Accessibility: Delivers field technicians and employees accurate, real-time data via mobile devices where and when they need it; enabling stakeholders to make more informed decisions and manage assets while on the go.

  6. Scalability and Flexibility: Made possible by an ALIM system designed to seamlessly expand to accommodate growth as it adapts to evolving business needs and technology advancements.

  7. Training and User Support: Ensuring all stakeholders receive the necessary knowledge and assistance to effectively use the asset management system promotes proficiency and successful implementation.

Effective ALIM helps organisations maximise the value of their assets, improves operational efficiency and reduces downtime while making better, more informed decisions about asset maintenance, repair and replacement.

Understanding the asset lifecycle is essential for effective asset management, enabling organisations to make more informed decisions at each phase and optimise the asset's performance and value.

The benefits of Asset Lifecycle Information Management

ALIM’s overarching benefit is maximising the value, efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation's assets throughout their entire lifecycles. It also streamlines compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards, reduces risks associated with asset failures and supports sustainability and environmental goals.

ALIM delivers organisations several key benefits, including:

  • Improved Decision-making: Provides access to comprehensive asset data, enabling informed decisions throughout an asset's lifecycle.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Efficient asset management reduces downtime, extends asset lifespans and optimises resource allocation.

  • Cost Savings: Proactive maintenance and optimised operations lead to reduced operational costs and longer asset lifespans.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Helps organisations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

  • Risk Mitigation: Minimises risks associated with asset failure and safety hazards by identifying potential issues early.

  • Data Accessibility: Centralised data management ensures critical asset information is readily available to relevant stakeholders.

  • Sustainability: Supports sustainable practices by optimising resource usage and minimising waste.


ALIM is a crucial asset optimisation tool, empowering organisations to make informed decisions throughout asset lifecycles. It fosters a proactive approach and contributes to operational excellence.

Asset Lifecycle Information Management Solutions

Hexagon offers comprehensive, cutting-edge ALIM solutions tailored to streamline asset management. HxGN SDx stands out for plant designers and owners, providing comprehensive capabilities and the necessary tools to optimise assets – ushering in a new era in plant asset management.

Discover how your organisation can unlock the full potential of its assets and achieve operational excellence throughout asset lifecycles. Start today by visiting the HxGN SDx page.

  • Product

    HxGN SDx® is designed for digital transformation by addressing this challenge in practical, cost-effective ways.

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      Human-Assisted autonomy
      Efficiently manage change through automated work processes and easily identify impact and potential conflicts of a change
    Learn more
  • Product

    SmartPlant® Enterprise for Owner Operators (SPO) maintains the integrity of engineering information across the lifecycle.

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    Ensures secure access to plant information, including engineering designs, vendor data and all other relevant documents.

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