Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14 June 2017

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama, June 14, 2017

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Uttar Pradesh Police with an Icon Award for the police force’s efforts to improve emergency response for 220 million citizens in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

Uttar Pradesh Police is the largest police force in India and among the largest in the world, with 250,000 police officers in 75 districts. The organization serves a population of more than 220 million spread over 243,000 square kilometers. Since there was no standardized, coordinated system in place to ensure timely police response to incidents, Uttar Pradesh Police set out to revolutionize public safety through UP 100, a comprehensive response system that could serve the needs of the entire state. To support this project, the police force needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by a large number of agencies and users.

Uttar Pradesh Police selected Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) suite for UP 100. Two hundred fifty call-takers, 150 dispatchers and thousands of field officers use I/CAD applications to respond to citizen needs. Before UP 100, police received around 3,500 calls per day across the entire state. Now event volume is about 18,000 per day and call volume is about 100,000 per day, and police expect those to greatly expand as the system becomes more familiar to citizens. During the Holi celebration, police created more than 25,000 events in a day, and received more than 50,000 calls over three days. Rural areas are benefitting the most, where response times have been cut in half.

“Uttar Pradesh Police has become a role model for other police organizations to follow – in India and beyond,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are honored to support Uttar Pradesh Police and the very important UP 100 project and congratulate the agency on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Uttar Pradesh Police joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada, and the U.S. Marine Corps Systems Commandas 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

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