Smart farming technology in the field

Hexagon’s approach and value to the farms ecosystem

By leveraging data, agricultural operations can enable efficiency and productivity through automation and ultimately autonomy

Hexagon goes beyond smart farming with solutions that make it possible to leverage data across every phase of a farm’s lifecycle, from planting and cultivation to harvest, from OEM machine-control solutions to supporting the development of fully autonomous equipment and workflows. This unique approach includes:

  • Capturing, connecting and processing sensor data — Precise positioning data, location intelligence and satellite imaging help farmers make more informed decisions, while edge computing provides the ability to perform advanced analytics locally in real time.
  • From automation to autonomy — Hexagon’s precision farming technologies help automate repetitive tasks and accelerate the transition to fully autonomous workflows for all phases of agriculture — from planting, spraying and cultivation to harvesting and raw material transportation.
  • Scaling innovation at the OEM level — Hexagon delivers value to the farming ecosystem through a comprehensive OEM portfolio, with custom innovations in smart farming tailored to each partner’s needs. Our digital reality solutions enabled by our sensor, hardware and software technologies add scale and accessibility to innovation.

What's holding you back?
  • Declining availability of arable lands against a backdrop of increased food demand
  • Increased risk of drought and extreme weather events due to climate change
  • Rapidly dwindling pool of skilled farm labour
  • Inefficient farming practices increase input costs and decrease potential yield
  • No visibility into the status of equipment, people and workflows during operations

The value we create throughout the farms ecosystem

Explore our capabilities