Design for additive manufacturing

I am ready
“With dedicated, smart software at your fingertips, the manufacturing possibilities are endless.”

Design software is the key component able to unleash the potential of additive manufacturing. With dedicated, smart software at your fingertips, the manufacturing possibilities are endless.

Despite the huge scope of design freedom additive manufacturing offers, it can bring it can be quite complex and time-consuming to generate and produce designs that fully exploit its potential, often involving a process of trial and error.

To overcome these challenges, Hexagon has developed a design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) solution utilising our portfolio of market-leading software packages.

Download the DfAM eBook

Download our latest eBook focused on design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) to discover how Hexagon’s unrivalled portfolio of design tools supports the progression of this incredible technology.

Additive manufacturing (AM) is delivering value in more industrial-scale applications with its unique geometric and geographic freedom, and Hexagon’s suite of design software will play a definitive role in facilitating this evolution. See how manufacturers are already optimising their processes with Hexagon software in our eBook “Design for AM: Empowering an industrial-scale future”.

In this eBook, you will find a wealth of technical information on areas such as overcoming challenges within Direct Energy Deposition (DED), complex structures for medical implants, to innovative strategies for tyre tread moulds, and much more.

Download the eBook now to discover how Hexagon software can unlock additive manufacturing’s potential for you.