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Explore The Zone

Experience the freedom of digital reality

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See the top keynotes, biggest announcements and more from the event

At HxGN LIVE Global, The Zone is where technology comes to life. It’s where the future of digital reality becomes something you can see, hear and touch. It’s the intersection — the hub where everything at HxGN LIVE Global connects.

Explore nine summit-based sections at The Zone, each with its own story to tell about the future of industry. This is where you can experience everything you learn from keynotes and sessions. New connections will happen, ideas will spark and your career and business will be revolutionised.

Get the most out of The Zone


Exploring The Zone will give you a sense of how autonomous technologies impact multiple industries on a global scale. The power of connected data is obvious here. No matter your industry, discovering solutions for smart digital factories, mines, integrated emergency and infrastructure management, construction and more will illuminate your own business and lead to more creative solutions.


The Zone allows you to get hands-on with the latest cutting-edge tech for your business. Here the Smart Digital Reality™ is on full display. That includes the sorting of big data and the endless possibilities of digitalisation through sensors and scanners, new software, cloud technologies, 5D solutions, full autonomy and the promise of true digital reality. Roll up your sleeves and experiment with what you can do.


All the forward thinkers in one place means new connections, ideas and experiences happen at a rapid pace. Hexagon’s experts, partners and vendors are available and ready to answer any questions you have. Together we can find the next solutions to the world’s biggest challenges.


The end goal for The Zone is sustainability for the world. The future of manufacturing, engineering design, construction, operations, management and more can become sustainable through the power of autonomy. Discover green-tech solutions and initiatives for safer, more efficient digital technologies.